James Clapp Book

Congratulations Kristin!

I think the new experience of the prenatal water program will be fun to design and do, so you have fun!

RE: My exam

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-00 AT 11:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Congratulations Kristin,

With your background, you will be great. Have you checked out the Aquatic Exercise Association's website (www.aeawave.com)? You may already know about this group since Sara works so closely with them. They have great water fitness educational workshops. A few years ago, I too was asked to teach a prenatal water fitness class and it had been years since I had taught in the water! AEA saved me.

Good luck with program development.

Sheila Watkins
Thanks, Sheila!

I haven't checked out AEA's website yet, but I'm planning to in the next couple of days or so. I was actually thinking of looking into AEA certification as well, since it looks like I'll be doing water classes. Thanks! :)


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