J-LO's new video ?


Wow, J-Lo's looking good in her new video (Jenny On The Block or is it Jenny From The Block ?). Is the guy in the video, the new blokey she is seeing at the moment, ooo, that Guy from Pearl Harbour (I CAN'T remember his blasted name - I will blame that on my hormones :-rollen !). In fact I didn't recognise her in some of the video, as she was wearing red, glossy lipstick - she sure looks different without her trademark neutral lip gloss shade.
Oh, I have remembered his name, Ben Affleck - what an eejit ?
(Me, not Ben) !

Anna :)
LOL Anna- I'll keep my eyes open for it. I haven't seen the vid but I feel like you're right here talking to me!:p
She has nice shoulders and obliques but hasn't really gotten muscular. It's actually quite a nice feminine but still a fit look. There was an article about her workout at one time...and no way that was all she did to tame her lower body!!! Why is it such a big secret what they do to workout? Even Madonna ... I want to find out reps, weights loads how much cardio and the frequency! Atleast that girl in Ally McBeal honestly admitted how many miles she runs and how much yoga and how long she does weights to get down to a size that wont make her stand out in the show. The one that plays Georgia?
Ben Affleck loooks so yummy that video. Jennifer Lopez does look good, she has a perfect body, and thankfully, no BOOB IMPLANTS. I just found it weird how she sings that she is just "Jenny From the Block" and yet in the video she is cruising around on her Yacht and in her mansion, etc. I grew up a few blocks away from where she grew up in the Bronx, and I've talked her sisters a few times. They are actually really nice!
I read in an interview with her personal trainer, that apparently she works her butt off keeping in shape. He said that if she has had a busy 'POP STAR' day, and she doesn't get home until 10pm, then she will put in an hours workout in the evening before bed. He said that she does have to workout to keep in shape, and that she works hard, too.

Hi there,

Yes, I didn't quite get the yacht scenes either, and what was with that thing of Ben slapping her a$$ ? Our UK censors had to blank out bits of that video - but our Jen sure likes to show off her boobies ALOT :eek:

I quite sick of J-Lo. People Magazine dotes on her like they did on Princess Di. I would think any guy would be wary of dating her because she has a history of dumping husbands just months after the wedding. Ben will be #3, right?

Just Do It! :)

Maybe she just likes getting married (you know the wedding dress the flowers the gift etc). I do like her shape but yes I agree she is everywhere, but at least she has a butt and hips.

I haven't seen the vid yet can't wait don't think much of the song though.

Sick of JLo

Ugh, J-Lo! I am sooo sick of her. Yeah, she's got a curvy shape, but most women can't afford a chef and trainer. I live near Philly where she shot Jersey Girl and in the local paper, it said she hired a famous trainer to train her and Ben Affleck. They worked out for 90 mins 5-6 days a week. That's a lot when you think about all the other activity she does.

On a gossipy note, I have no respect for JLo, someone who doesn't take marriage seriously. She's going to have her 3rd marriage by the age of 32. Everyone is entitled to making mistakes, and sometimes marriages just don't work, but she's ridiculous. She's already engaged to Ben Affleck when her divorce won't be final for a few months. It takes months to get over a boyfriend, shouldn't it take longer than a week to start dating after filing for divorce?? Makes you wonder. Sorry about the rant- I know this isn't the Entertainment Tonight forum :)
fake boobs

Ok, I have to join in! May I please say that I am sooooo very tired of the fake boob look. It looks like upside down Tupperware bowls with nipples! That's what totally turned me off to The Firm. The earlier instructors had real bodies, but later they started with the fitness model look, and I could not relate. Ok, I'm done venting, much calmer now.
RE: fake boobs

i was really suprised when karen voight did it, even though it's been a few years. boobs can look good if you don't go too big which is where most women make their mistake. to each their own, right?
UGH... I'm So sick of J-Lo. Really wonder how long Ben will last. I really wonder about her motivation... P-diddy (then Puff Daddy) sure got her in the limelight, then the trial, and married to Chris for a few months. Will be interesting to see if they can last a year.

Sorry I know this isnt a gossip forum... but I couldnt resist!
RE: fake boobs

Update on Courtney from Ally McBeal. I saw an interview with her on 20/20 or 48 hours a while back where she stated she eating 1000 calories a day and running miles and miles and doing Power Yoga to get down very thin.

She said she realized that was very unhealhty and had stopped doing it all. Stated she's gained 10-12 lbs and won't diet like that again. She also said she was doing things like substituting a bottle of water for a meal frequently and thought at one time that was really good.

Courtney says she's trying to help spread the message to young women today that they shouldn't live on too few calories and over exercise.

Hi guys,

I usually try to refrain from the ET type threads, but I really like J-Lo for some reason. I think it's because she has done a lot towards making it okay and sexy to have curves and that is SO refreshing. There's no way that I could ever come close to the waif look that has been so popular, but I'm not all that far from J-Lo. I also think she is fairly talented as compared to most of the other crossover divas of the moment. I like the fact that she has such a strong belief in herself. I've made my share of what probably look like questionable choices in my life, so I'm not about to throw stones at someone else's journey, I just like the fact that she seems so secure in who she is.

As far as the trainer goes, the BF of a good friend is a trainer in Philly and met J-Lo's trainer in the gym where he works. Said he is a REALLY nice guy who even offered to hook him up with a job if he was interested in moving to LA! Just my small brush with fame 2 or 3 times removed, but I thought it was cool.

Since I'm already on the gossip train, I also have a funny story about P-Diddy. A few years ago he made a spur of the moment visit on a Sunday afternoon to the floor of the children's hospital where I work. It was during the whole trial thing and I think he was trying to get some positive press. It just so happened that we were expecting a direct admission of an older teenage boy who happened to be on house arrest (long story). Well, Puffy showed up with his whole entourage of security people, etc and the poor resident, who was obviously NOT a rap fan, starts asking all these questions getting ready to admit him, thinking he was our young juvenile delinquent!! I'm not sure he realized the mix up, but the rest of us working that day had quite a laugh after they left!

Hi FirnessRN,

I loved your P-Diddy story ! :7 I like J-Lo too, but she is an AWFUL actress ! (Sorry Jen, don't give up the singing job!)
I think I posted this thread because I really like the song and I was just so shocked at all the censored shots ! :eek:
I will try to refrain from posting anymore ET threads !!!

Anna :)

It IS the Open Discussion Forum, and we can't be All fitness All the time, right:)? I think threads like these are fun once in a while.

I'll have to look for the video. Since I don't watch a lot of TV I haven't seen it yet. You have my curiosity up with all this censored stuff!!

Hi FitnessRN,

OK, I won't stop posting my O/T threads :7 Yes, it seems J-Lo is flashing her breasts off ALOT in this video !

Anna :)

Don't stop on your ET threads I really enjoy them I finally saw the video and thought it was funny that shots from the vids have been used in mags regarding her courtship of Affleck.

Keep the posts coming I don't mind JLO there are a lot worse out there in LA LA land and as Fitness RN said this is an open discussion so go for it.

You brighten up my day and make me laugh into the bargain.

I really like J-Lo. She seems honest and sincere. I think she REALLY is in love with Ben Affleck, who couldn't be, WOW!!!!! He has never been married, and is what, 32??? I think if they do marry, it will last longer than her other ones. From the pics I see of them, and compared to the other men she has been with, they look truly happy. I think for body image, she is a great role model.
Lori S.

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