<-- It's our problem-free philosophy-Hakuna Matatta


<--says can you tell
<--is going to see the Lion King today
<--is taking DN (dear niece, 13)
<--has seen it before DN, has not
<--is excited
<--is in awe of FN dinner
<--super glad she had a good time and a most sincere toast from DT with his $26 glass o wine ;)
<--has some major butt and quad DOMS today
<--the kind that makes it hard to go potty x(
<--wonders what everyone else is up to this morning
<--thinks sleeping perhaps
<--the cows woke <-- up
<--moooooooooo, moooooooo
<--must get some coffee!!



<---wonders where today's lyric came from}(
<---hopes Catherine and her DN have a marvelous time
<---remembers being overwhelmed by the cool costumes more than anything else
<---was also overwhelmed by Nancy's dinner
<---drooled while reading it
<---had to share it with DH
<---sends a hug to Nancy's DT for making a watery eye toast
<---hopes Shelley's trip to the mall banished the need for bag-breathing
<---is going to go do a cardio blast premix then head down the road
<---will probably be back to say good bye

<---saw a post from Beavs and says welcome back, how was the trip?
<--hopes Robin has fun with cardioblast
<--can not remember is the GTG with Liann and the Weiners today or tomorrow?
<--also wonders how Beav's trip was
<--says man time off sure goes by fast
<--thinks we should all buy a lottery ticket while in NJ and become wealthy }(
<--will be doing upper body sometime today if DH will get out of bed to spot me on my bench press
<--is bored this morning,...



<--shouts Good Morning, Everybody!!!!
<--can only imagine a dinner like NTF's!!!
<--thinks it was sooo dreamy and perfect for the occassion
<--has never seen The Lion King...hopes Catherine has a great time
<--tells Robin to have tons of fun
<--feels badly that Shelley is so frustrated with the backyard:-(
<--understands completely
<--hates when any part of the house is torn apart
<--will be living in a state of chaos for a while
<--will be painting every room except living roomx(
<--took a look around and realized how dated everything is!!!
<--figures that now is a good time to start updating things because in two years when <--retire, a relocation might be possible
<--feels like all the painting and wallpaper removal might just take two yearsx(
<--will take a break today, though
<--DD is coming home to celebrate finishing her internship year and becoming an official resident!!
<--says we're going to have pedicures, lunch and shopping..yea!!!
<--sorry for the novel
<--will bbl
<--hopes everyone has a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!
<--thanks Catherine
<--thinks The Lion King would be awesome to go to
<--hasn't been to a theater production for quite a while
<--should make plans to do so since <--sons live next door to Playhouse Square in downtown Cleveland
<--thinks we could take the boys if they feel like being a little cultured:7

ETA: <--adds yes...<--am very proud of DD!!
<---waves good morning to all
<---slept wonderfully last night and feels wonderful now
<---was entertained by Nancy's dinner post
<---is always amazed at the things people can do with food
<---hopes Catherine's DOMS ease up
<---hopes Robin has a nice trip
<---sends congrats to Elaine's DD!!
<---needs to get out and mow the grass
<---thinks it's almost tall enough to bale!
<---says the internet sure is slow this morning
<---wants y'all to realize that <--- is talking about dial-up internet, and when <--- says "slow," <--- means reaaaaalllly SLOW
<--- says goods morning
<--- very happy FN had wonderful dinner
<---wishes was going with Catherine and DN to see lion king <--hopes they have a great day
<--- hopes shelly has a better day
<--- big congrats to elainee's DD !!! Enjoy your pedicures!!
<--- tells robin to have fun with cardio blast
<--- is off to Spin class (<--hates spin)
<--- will be back later
<---waves good morning to all
<---tells Catherine to have a fabulous time tonight at Lion King
<---thinks Nancy's dinner sounded amazing
<---hopes Shelley's pond is shaping up
<---tells Teri to have fun spinning
<---is glad Shannon is feeling so rested this morning
<---hopes elainee enjoys the lunch, pedicure and shopping trip with DD
<---tells Robin Happy Driving
<---has much to do today to get ready for trip on Monday
<---went to the gym this morning, although it is <---rest day, because will be forced to rest for 22 hours in the van come Monday
<---wishes everyone a Super Saturday

<---waves morning
<---tells Cath to have a blast at the Lion King!
<---hopes elainee & dd have a fantabulous pampering day..yeah dd!
<---tells Robinellers to do some cardio for <---
<---is resting and enjoying donuts. do double cardio Robinellers!
<---hopes teri enjoys spin...<---looooves spin
<---is not on the best health kick the last couple of days but ehhh
<---needed a little reprieve & feels great
<---smiles the chesire cat grin & mumbles mmmm donuts.
<---will catch y'all a bit later

ETA - congrats to fancynancy & can you adopt <---me for dinners out? *bats eyelashes*


It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
<---sends congratulations to elaine's DD
<---hates to paint and knows the chaos elaine is enduring
<---wishes she was going to retire in 2 years
<---thinks as fast a time flies, 8 years may not be so far away
<---will be meeting up with Liann tomarrow at the car show
<---says today will be a kind of lazy, do what strikes us kind of day
<---adds that there is winery visit included though
<---has dinner reservations, but nothing like Nancy's meal
<---is at an old kind of steak and potatos place that DH always wanted to eat at when we were in college in the area
<---is pretty sure there is seafood on the menu
<---LOL - typed seafoof
<---thinks seafoof could be a whole new realm of eating
<---is just wasting time while DH puts finishing touches on his car
<---wonders why he bothers, since it will bug splattered when we get there
<---will see you tomarrow evening
<---sends happy weekend wishes to all

<---adds a special hug to Emily who seems to be MIA and <--is afraid of what that means {{{{Emily}}}}
<--- is running through quickly, waving frantically while yelling HAPPY SATURDAY!
<--- will be spending the day outside working on *cue ominous music* THE POND
<--- has to hit the garden centre this morning and buy some flagstone for the patio and Sophie gets to pick out some fishies
<--- hopes everyone has a super-duper day in whatever they're doing
<--- notes to Robin that Emily is okay
<--- is sending a special hug to Shannon, just because....:)

<--- is editing after reading Nance's dinner post from last night and can only say WOWZERS!!!!!:eek:
<--running behind Shelley
<--just wanted to stop in real quick and wave to all the loverly ladies of the OAL
<--is unable to tuck everyone in at night anymore
<--"Big Brother" is watching the internet usage nowx(
<--hopes "THE POND" turns out "golden";-)
<-- also runs in to say good morning to all
<-- thinks nancy's dinner sounds fantabulous
<-- looked at website and didn't realize the ^^ was in nyc
<-- wonders if nancy lives in city?
<-- is in staten island :eek:
<-- hopes everyone has a good day
<-- is off to white merlot store and ticket printer-upper
<--lazily waves good morning to all the loverly ladies
<--has SERIOUS butt glue problems this morning
<--also had serious waking-up-late vibes this morning
<--has some DOMS from Jari w/o yesterday (from deadlifts...ugh)
<--'s DOMS are not as bad as Catherine's, tho...could never lift as much as Catherine
<--hopes Catherine enjoys Lion King
<--tells Phyllis that Rent is still <--'s fave musical
<--has seen it way too many times
<--liked Wicked a lot as well
<--can't wait to hear about Robin's trip to see L & the W's
<--was hungry after reading Nancy's dinner post!
<--says big congrats to Elaineee's DD and her official resident status...what an accomplishment! :)
<--hopes Elaine and her DD enjoy their spa day
<--sends easy-mowing vibes to Shannon
<--hopes Teri enjoyed her spin class
<--asks Deb to pass the doughnuts
<--hopes this is Shelley's last day to work on the pond
<--hopes Shelley's SO decides he is finished with the pond
<--hopes Sophie enjoys picking out her fishies
<--hope Big Brother goes away so Amy can play more
<--needs to workout but just isn't feeling it right now
<--will BBL

<--waves hello to Cody!!!
<-- waves hi
<-- stopped by for a moment on the way to eating breakfast
<-- will be dining in bed this morning since DH is going to his coaching gig
<-- will then proceed directly to the mall in search of whatever AT has to give <-- }(
<-- will bbl
<--butt glue dislodged and was able to do 7.2 mile run :)
<--loves, loves, loves iTread!!!
<--hopes Amy finds lots of good stuff at AT
<--is headed out with DF for the day
<--is taking him to buy new running shoes at a running shoe store
<--says he usually just picks out running shoes for himself
<--has been hounding him to get properly fitted
<--may just have to purchase some new running shoes as well :)
<--waves good afternoon
<--slept about 13 hours, which is a lot even for <--
<--LOVES Catherine's song choice
<--knows Catherine's niece will love the show
<--just gave DT a hug from Robin
<--doesn't actually see Beavs here, but would love to hear about her trip
<--thinks elainee has an awesome day planned
<--thinks it would be great fun to have an adult daughter
<--is very proud of elainee's DD!
<--can't remember what dial-up is like and doesn't wanna
<--needs a reminder as to where Beth is going on Monday please?
<--tells Deb she's adopted if she brings donuts ;)
<--tells Robin <-- wishes she could retire in 8 years
<--would have to work a lot harder than she does :p
<--tells Phyllis <-- has not seen Rent, but is not a Broadway-loving baby
<--hasn't met anyone who didn't like Wicked
<--is glad to see Shelley in a better mood and hopes all goes well with her gorgeous pond today
<--is so sorry to hear that Amy's internet is being monitored at work!
<--tells Amy to please post when you can cuz we miss you
<--tells Cody <-- lives in Brooklyn Heights
<--says yup, the restaurant was in Manhattan
<--asks Lorie to pass the BGR
<--wishes Ame and Lorie happy shopping today
<--may not move at all today :p
<-- is glad to hear Nance got some rest
<-- thinks that dinner last night was probably a little overwhelming with how beautiful and fancy and wonderful it all was
<-- forgot to mention that last year was our anniversary of our first kiss
<-- had DH tell <-- that at dinner last night, LOL!
<-- appreciates that he wasn't offended
<-- wonders if Amy can't post or can't read or what with her big bro
<-- saw rent in NYC 9+ years ago
<-- thinks that was one emotional show
<-- is somehow forgetting to share that <-- just spent $800+
<-- is amazed that this is not bothering <--
<-- is probably in shock
<-- thinks they were all investment pieces: black skirt, black pants, black jacket (3-pc suit), tan suit, fun skirt, and then 3 pairs of shoes
<-- is hunnngary now
<-- will bbl

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