It's Not You, It's Your Books...

*sneaks into thread*


*runs out*
>Was "Angels and Demons" WRITTEN any better than DC?
>Honestly, that was the clincher for me. His writing was just
>so god-awful (pardon the pun!!! ;) )

Te Te, I think the story was better. The writing was pretty much the same. He basically follows the same formula he uses in DC so if that bothered you (and I wouldn't blame you), I think you should skip it. It is better than a poke in the eye though. :7

When I was on a certain online dating site there was a space to fill in favirote book when you filled out your profile. I swear like over 90 percent of the guys on there had in The D Code. I started to think that when guys walk into Borders or the shopping location of their choice there is a person who's only job is to hand them a copy, make sure they buy it and shove them out the door! I read it on the way down to the beach one year and I skimmed over most of it. I was all ahhhh yet another twist what a suprise! No offense to the zillions of people who liked it just not my style.
Hey Tete,

No tomatoes here! I secretly listen to Howard Stern on Sirius radio-I get it in my car...I actually find him really, really smart. I do not offend easily at all,but will turn the station when they interview some stupid porn star-that is not smart, its just gross....haven't read his books, maybe I will pick one up today....Oh crap, I'll bet I get those tomatoes thrown at me now!:7
Yeah, I worked at a place where almost every man there had read DC (and, even the name bugs me! "Da Vinci" wasn't his name: it means "of Vinci." Most people refer to his work as being "a Leonardo." Shouldn't the title have been "The Leonardo Code?" But, I digress...)

Anyhoo, all these guys had read it, and when they'd talk about it(and talk about they did!), practically everyone of them said something to the effect of, "I loved this book, and I HATE to read." You'd think that would've have warned me.
All I'm going to say is that those of you who like Howard Stern have obviously only listened to his radio show and have clearly never seen his misogynistic TV show. I have never seen anything more debasing to women in my life. Nuff said because thinking about it makes me ill. If you want to know what I'm talking about you can probably find some excerpts on youtube. x(
I loved Meatballs.
I listened to Howard Stern when he was on free radio.
I watched Rock of Love I and II.
Whenever I fly, I read US magazine.


And I'm no dummy - I just like mental junk food sometimes. Just like a candybar for the brain!
>I loved Meatballs.
>I listened to Howard Stern when he was on free radio.
>I watched Rock of Love I and II.
>Whenever I fly, I read US magazine.
>And I'm no dummy - I just like mental junk food sometimes.
>Just like a candybar for the brain!

hey Cindi!

I liked Meatballs too (just not as a favorite movie!) And I once spent an entire afternoon on the couch mesmerized by a "Bridezillas" marathon. I read all the junkie magazines when I go to the salon, and enjoy the tractor pull every year at the county fair. Life's too short to *always* be thinking. :D


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
> and enjoy the tractor pull every year at the
>county fair. Life's too short to *always* be thinking. :D

Don't forget the demolition derby!! :7
Nancy, I haven't seen his television show, but I will take your word for it...i can only imagine how gross it could I said, not fond of the porn crap, but the other stuff he does can be funny.:)
>> and enjoy the tractor pull every year at the
>>county fair. Life's too short to *always* be thinking. :D
>Don't forget the demolition derby!! :7

That's a good one too! The older I get the more I realize that I have a streak of Swamp Yankee in me - - a mile wide.

I can't yet tell if I'm appalled or secretly thrilled. :D


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
Music can ruin it for me and my SO has such pedestrian taste in music..Fergie and American Idol....blech! Fortunately we didn't dicuss music before I developed this awful crush on him ;) I bought him an mp3 and put some Jon Scofield, Miles Davis, North Mississippi Allstars, Derek Trucks Band, etc on it.
My husband of nearly 20 years can't stand my taste in music. I like Fergie, and Gwen Stefani. So I get on the treadmill with my shuffle and sing real loud for him! :)

Yes - secrets of a happy marriage. Find out what bugs your spouse and do it regularly.
Oh, Beavs. I didn't know you were in a "mixed-music" relationship!!!! You poor thing.

Music has always been important to me and most of the guys I dated introduced me to some form of music or another that I still like. DH has opened my ears and spirit to lots of stuff...we're both into music big time. As a matter-of-fact we just went to see Iron & Wine last night.

Good going with the mp3. Does he like YOUR music??
He's coming around. (LOL! Mixed music relationship!) I caught him enjoying the Allman Bros the other day. It just kills me when he tells me he thinks the Clash sounds "weird" Huh? What? And he had never heard "Train in Vain" before.

Cindi: I do confess that I kinda like the groove on the Gwen Stefani Holla back song.
All I can says is thank GAWD my SO hates Nickelback just as much as I do:p He's actually introduced me to a whole bunch of music that I didn't know I liked. And I, of course, have given him a much deeper appreciation of Tool ;)
DH wouldn't know Nickelback if they smacked him in the face. Quite frankly, I'm not sure I would either. I've heard & seen them on TV commercials advertising one of our worthless local radio stations, but I honestly don't know one song. I guess there's no escaping them in Canada, though, eh?
Teresa, we have this little rule enforced by the CRTC that's called the CanCon rule. So radio stations HAVE to play a certain percentage of Canadian content music. For some stations, that means an endless loop of Nickelback, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Shania. *gags* :p Thankfully, there is a lot of other really GREAT Canadian music that gets played on the station I listen to.
"an endless loop of Nickelback, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne and Shania"

Oh my, GAWD!!!! Maybe that's what our armed forces should do to take care of Al Quida...but it might be considered too severe a form of torture!!!

Well, we here in the States have enough bad music ourselves, and it seems to be loved by the masses. We are a masochistic lot.
This little conversation reminds me how much I miss satellite radio. I used to love listening to stations that would play King Crimson, Blue Magoos and other assorted unknown to the general public tunes...

And BTW, Nikelback has to be one of the worst bands ever (IMO of course)

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