<---waves Happy Friday Eve to all
<---has lost all feeling in <---'s legs due to doing B&G this morning - yeeeeouch!
<---was in pain at first, but the pain turned to numbness
<---was once again cursing whoever put the workout room in the basement so that <--- had to climb the @#$%& stairs
<---says "Oh wait. I put the workout room in the basement!"
<---is LOL at Robin's cheesy smiley man
<---was wondering if that was Jimmy Buffett, and sure enough, it is!
<---wishes Catherine a lovely trip to Atlanta!
<---wishes <--- could go too
<---can't see Ronne's chaffinch picture
must be blocked at work
<---would love to see Amelia's waiting-on-the-java dance
<---is sorry Lorie's shoulder still hurts
<---wishes Beth's DD good luck in her dress rehearsal tonight, and even better luck in the final performance!
<---can't believe Stephanie didn't make the right waffles for King Henry
tsk tsk tsk!
<---has heard that the 3's are more terrible than the 2's and it seems like Stephanie can confirm that
<---sends wake up vibes to Nancy
<---thanks Shelley for the lovely chaffinch picture - how cute!
<---is sorry Liann is in a fog today
<---is going to go peruse the forum goings-on... bbl!