<--- It's more than a life away...


<--- waves good morning to the OAL
<--- is probably posting at the same time as Robin
<--- is off to the shower and will bbl
<--Waves GM to Shelly,Robin and all who follow!
<--is LOL at Robins copy and paste smile and wonders who the man is that is smiling?
<--he seems to be very 'smiley'
<--wonders if <--can smile that big
<--is doing the waiting-on-her-java-dance
<--is also doing a long powerwalk today due to an unfortunate experience with a pan of browniesx(
<--is having alot of those latly
<--needs a kick in the buttocks and a boost back on the wagon;-)
<--hopes everybody has a loverly thrusday

<--ETA's a Good morning Wave to Mrs. Catherine and wishes her a safe flight and a great time while she's gone!<--Sends her hugs!
<--- says good morning to Shelley, Robin and Catherine
<--- hopes Catherine has a great weekend away
<--- waves hi to the super speedy Shelley
<--- sends a big smile to Robin and a chaffinch pic for her. <--- has loads of them in the garden here!
<--- says the rain has finally arrived here - oh well, garden probably needs it
<--- is doing BSB and abs today
<--- is trying to get on with work but failing miserably!!

ETA: posted at the same time as Amelia! waves hi and sends a big kick in the behind!!:7
<--thanks Amelia for the hugs!!
<--tells her <--will be driving
<--says it's only about 6.5 hours and with airlines being the way they are,..... is probably better off driving
<--hopes Ronne has a good workout
<--coffe is done, oatmeal is done
<--needs to hug the puppies and get ready to go
<--catch you gals later!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--waves hello to super fast shelley
<--thanks robin for the nice smile of mr. jimmybuffetpants
<--hopes amelia changes her evite response...please?
<--hopes ronne manages to stay dry!
<--is sorry cath has to drive in the rain but is excited that <--will be seeing her tomorrow!!!
<--is not as foul on account of getting some sleep last night
<--shoulder still hurts!x( x( x(
<--supposes it will be like that for a while *sigh*
<---is glad SOMEONE finally recognized my mentor, Mr Buffett
<---tells Amelia if you had all the toys and $$ Mr Buffett has, you would be smiling big too
<---thanks Ronne for the ornithology lesson
<---can't view Mr Chaffinch here at work, but shall at home later
<---tells Catherine to drive carefully and have lots of fun with the Atlanta gang
<---wonders where Phyllis is bon journing today
<---wants to go someplace new and exciting
<---will have to settle for the grocery store
<---waves good morning
<---wishes Catherine a safe trip today
<---is sorry Amelia has a run in with a pan of brownies';-)')
<---gives her a hand back up onto the wagon
<---is glad Lorie got some sleep last night
<---likes Mr. Buffet's smile
<---wishes the sun would come out today
<---did a 5 mile run on the treadmill this morning
<---ended up walking more than running
<---has DD's dress rehearsal tonight
<---is very glad dancing is almost done for the year
<---waves to Ronne, Shelley, Robin and all who follow

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<--Wanted to pop into say hi on this dreary, rainy Thursday
<--Hopes everyone is having a better morning than my Henry, who has been screaming for the past 10 minutes because <--apparently did not fix him the appropriate waffles this morning.
<--Says he has a philosophy that the louder he is the more he punctuates his point. (Though he stops every few minutes to see what Dora is saying.)
<--Refuses to waste the perfectly good waffles <--did make, so <--'m letting him "get over it."
<--May cave and make new batch. Ugh! Don't ya just love the ripe old age of 3. x(
<--Hopes Catherine has a safe trip today!
<--Hopes Lorie's shoulder feels better soon!
<--Waves to Ronne, Shelley, Robin, Beth, Connie, Amelia and all who <--may have missed
<--Is now deaf in the left ear, so <--must go comfort the King.
<--And get Oliver ready for the bus.
<--Later Taters...
<--read everything and wants to comment but is too darn drowsy
<--cannot seem to wake up this morning x(
<--says it's going to be a cold, cloudy weekend
<--may do some extra sleeping ;)
<---waves good morning to all the OAL ladies
<---is also tired and not very coherent yet this morning
<---did read something about Robin's weather sucking, Catherine having to drive in bad weather, Amelia eating a wagon load of brownies, Ronne not getting any work done, Lorie still suffering with her shoulder, Beth nearing the end of dance season, a 3 year old throwing a fit -DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER BATCH! Be STRONG! ;), and another OAL'er who is just as tired as she is
<---thinks that about covers it ;)
<---actually has beautiful weather this morning, but knows it is going to go downhill as the day goes along
<---hopes everyone is having a good Friday-eve!
<--- is back
<--- kicks Amelia in the rear and asks her to do the same to <---, please
<--- wishes Amelia would work up the courage to meet up with Catherine and Lorie!
<--- hopes Catherine has a safe journey
<--- recognized Mr. Buffettpants and doesn't know why
<--- thinks extra sleeping sounds great
<--- congrats to Beth on getting that five miles out of the way
<--- says it seems that Ronne's chaffinch pic didn't work, so will post another one


<--- can't remember anything else, but waves and wanders away muttering to herself
<--- comes back in to wave to Miss Liann-tired-pants
<--- also tells Steph not to make another batch, but thinks it's probably too late
<--- didn't have too many problems with a 3-year old Sophie, but 4 was YOWZA!!!
<---tells Shelley she thinks 4 is the new 2
<---says at least that seems to be the case in <---'s family where the 2 year olds are angels and the 4 year olds are nightmares! ;)
<--Didn't cave. HA!!
<--Says Henry went through the terrible 3s earlier this year and has become the sweetest child. However, without the proper night's sleep. YIKES! (He's just like his mommy.)
<--Agrees that 2 is no longer the "terrible" age. Oliver had terrible 4s like Liann said.
<--Decided last night to not go to the beach after all.
<--Just really wants to put the money to better use, but now DH is wanting to put in granite counters in the kitchen instead. Hmm...
<--Just might HAVE to cave on that one.
<--Always wanted solid surface counters....
<--Waves to Nancy!
<---waves Happy Friday Eve to all :D
<---has lost all feeling in <---'s legs due to doing B&G this morning - yeeeeouch!
<---was in pain at first, but the pain turned to numbness :p
<---was once again cursing whoever put the workout room in the basement so that <--- had to climb the @#$%& stairs
<---says "Oh wait. I put the workout room in the basement!" :p
<---is LOL at Robin's cheesy smiley man ;)
<---was wondering if that was Jimmy Buffett, and sure enough, it is!
<---wishes Catherine a lovely trip to Atlanta!
<---wishes <--- could go too
<---can't see Ronne's chaffinch picture :( must be blocked at work
<---would love to see Amelia's waiting-on-the-java dance ;)
<---is sorry Lorie's shoulder still hurts :(
<---wishes Beth's DD good luck in her dress rehearsal tonight, and even better luck in the final performance!
<---can't believe Stephanie didn't make the right waffles for King Henry ;) tsk tsk tsk!
<---has heard that the 3's are more terrible than the 2's and it seems like Stephanie can confirm that
<---sends wake up vibes to Nancy :)
<---thanks Shelley for the lovely chaffinch picture - how cute!
<---is sorry Liann is in a fog today
<---is going to go peruse the forum goings-on... bbl!
<--skimmed through^^^
<--is trying to hurry through VERY HOT coffee
<--and get to workout
<--has weight loss support meeting to get to
<--slept like #*^&@@#$ last night!
<--had to change the sheets on the bed last night because one of the cats decided that it was too far to use the litter boxx( x( x( x( x( x( x(
<--would have known Jimmy anywhere!!!
<--needs to get Robin down here to take her to LuLu Buffett's restaurant!!!:9 :9 :9 :9
<--thinks that the chaffinch is very pretty!!!
<--dang, coffee's done!
<--means the workout must commence!

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