Good morning, ladies!
ETA: I'm back to edit since a few folks posted while I was first typing this up!
How did everyone sleep last night? Seems like we've all been tired lately! I got up at 5:00 again this morning, but couldn't fall asleep last night. Nerves!
I'm so excited!
Last night, DH told me that he really wants to do some re-arranging of rooms next week so that I have more space to work out. Right now, our office is the largest spare bedroom we have, and it has our two desks in it, but DH never uses his since he has a laptop. So I think we're going to move one desk out, and then I'll have that room as my office and workout space. (He also wants to start up with the kettlebell workouts, so he'll be able to use the space, too.) Woo hoo! Of course, it'll mean some serious cleaning out of stuff next week and is probably a two-day project, but it'll be so nice to not have to knock into things when I work out. The space I have now is reeeeaaaallly tiny. I'll have to post some photos of the before and after!
So does anyone know if the closing date on the STS pre-sale means that STS itself will be out soon??? I haven't been around the pre-sales long enough to know how to read that . . . .
Deb -- Sounds like you needed a rest day today, so I'm glad you took one! Overall, though, are you liking your new KB? Sounds like a peaceful morning with the coffee! I have to do the scrolling thing, too, and am not sure if we can make the screen smaller. Maybe someone else will know! I've been rating our post since that also seems to keep us on the first page!
Yes, I got the clasp to work on the bracelet! Thanks for asking! You know, at this point, I think we really might escape to the B&B!
Shelley -- WTG on breaking your PR yesterday! You really are a cheetah, babe! Oh, I hope that nice weather pulls through for you today! Those rolls you made yesterday sound heavenly. Did Sophie get all her school supplies last weekend at Target? When does she start up again? Hooray for your Ott light!! What an awesome price on it, too. Have you been able to do any scrapbooking lately? I'd loooooove to see photos of some pages!
Lainie -- Thanks so much for offering to bring liquids in the car for me, but I think I should be good! Now you were supposed to have gotten to bed early last night, chica. No wonder you're so tired! (I hope you don't mind me lecturing you!) I ordered both of Amy's new workouts. Have you watched the clips on her website yet?
Kristi -- So who is the morning one -- Katie or Haleigh? The starfish story you posted gave me chills! I've read it before, but had forgotten about it; it's such a wonderful example of how individuals can make a difference. And please don't worry at all about thinking that you're bragging! It does NOT come across that way at all. Just the goodness of your spirit shows through! Thank you sooo much, too, for posting all the little RT tidbits! I can't even begin to tell you how helpful they've been!!! What a fun way to start the day with that run!
Allie -- So can you share your news with us, sweetie? You know we love you and are so excited for any new changes in your life! Sorry you got lousy sleep. I know what you mean about how tiredness can make you physically sick. Now listen, the elliptical is something you would use a lot and that you've been thinking about for awhile, right?? It sounds like you got the seller to give you a great price on it --
so go get it today and don't worry about missing your workout!! You will get so much use out of it!
Tneah -- Hey, sugar! Lainie mentioned those seasickness bracelets that go on your wrist pressure points, and they really work for me! I've used mine a few times on cruises, and they help. WTG on not eating the wine and pita chips yesterday!
Peggie -- Ug -- your day yesterday sounds so loooooong! Sorry that the semen-hunting was such a drag. I'm so glad that you like the Coach's oatmeal!! Isn't it the best?? I've been eating it everyday for breakfast, even though it's so hot out! Have fun with Anthony today in Newport! Kara and I both *heart* him!
Shannon -- How is work going so far? Are things better with your co-worker? Hope so! Did you end up actually ordering any new plants yesterday? Sorry about your thumb, but CONGRATULATIONS ON THE JOB INTERVIEW! That is so fantastic! We'll be sending you positive vibes, and make sure you keep us posted, OK???
Kara -- How did the haircut go yesterday? Do you like your new pixie? You've seriously got me thinking about not growing mine out a bit longer . . . .
BreckGirl -- Where were you yesterday? Are you OK? Did you start your program? Let us know how you!!
Sending Robin positive kayaking vibes . . . .