It's been too long.....


Active Member
since I last posted, but I'm still here and still a devout Cathe follower. I've been reading all of your inspirational posts and they really help me get through times when I feel like life is just to hard. I go through periods of major depression (the changing of seasons always seems to trigger it) and exercise is the only thing that seems to help. Thank God for Cathe!! When I need to release tension and frustration, I never hesitate to pop in one of her videos. I always feel happier and confidant when I'm done.
Anyway, I received Stepmax, the PS series, and MIS for my Birthday 2 weeks ago, and I love them! I'm hooked on strength training now. I had been doing the strength from CTX for 8 weeks and was loving the results(thank you Cathe) and now I want to focus on serious muscle building. I am currently working each body part 2 times a week with a combination of CTX, MIS, and the PS series. I also use all of the cardio tapes and do whichever strikes my fancy on that day. I love to combine different sections as well. Circuitmax is probably my all time favorite. So here are my questions(after being so long winded): Is it okay to do weighttraining the day after circuitmax? Is my method condusive to building muscle? I am 5'6" and about 120 pounds, I have nice definition, but not quite as cut as I think I could be. Do you think I should try to gain weight or keep the same weight while improving the fat/muscle ratio? I eat about 2500 calories a day, sometimes more on the weekends. I don't think I can eat that much more food. And I love my cardio, I wouldn't want to cut back to much on that. Sorry to be so long. And thanks Cathe,for pulling me out of the prewinter blues. Bye for now.


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