It's a...


...BOY!!!!!!!!!!! Perfectly healthy and extremely active! My face literally hurts from smiling today. The world looks different all of a sudden. I'm living in Goosebump City!! I could hardly sleep last night because I was so intensely curious to finally see our baby and it was even more miraculous than I had imagined. The technician went through about an hour of looking at the baby from every single angle possible...checking the heart, the brain, the spine, kidneys, etc...even down to counting the fingers...everything looked great. After all of the measuring, recording and such, the technician turned off the screen, wiped off my belly and turned to us to ask if we had any questions. My husband, David, and I looked at each other and then at the tech and, could you tell us if it's a boy or a girl?

She said "oh yeah, sure...we don't usually locate the sex unless the couple asks." Anyway, she lubed me up again, switched on the machine and went searching. That baby was squirming around all over the place and then all of the sudden she hit a button and said "okay, there you go"...pointing right at his male parts. David practically shouted..."it's a BOY!" There was no mistaking it...and the tech said that she was 100% sure of it! You should have seen my hubby smiling ear to ear and puffing out his chest with pride. I, of course, cried in happiness and amazement. I hate to sound so corny...but wow, what a feeling!

I've got a photo of the ultrasound, but I don't know how to attach it. He's actually sucking his thumb. Now, the challenge of picking a name!!

Boys are SO much fun!!
Good luck picking a name!!
It really changes everything when you actually see what has been growing inside you, and how perfect he really is!!

(Also expecting a boy)
Congrats on the news! We still have a few more weeks before we can find out what we're having. What fun to look forward to!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-01 AT 02:06PM (Est)[/font][p]oops--double post!

Angela, how exciting for you! A little boy--my mother-in-law always says the relationship between a boy and his mother is so special and different from that of a girl and her mother (yep, she's got a daughter, too!). I am so happy for you. And jealous, too--I still have 6 weeks before I can even attempt to find out the sex of my "baby bear" (that's what DH has taken to calling him/her!). We're hoping for a boy, but I think a girl would be so sweet, too! :)

Anyway, congrats!

Congratulations on your baby boy! Aren't ultrasounds wonderful! Its hard to beleive that all of the that is going on inside of you.

This is our first, so my husband and I decided not to find out what it is, so I'll have to wait another 5 weeks before I'll know!

How exciting! I must admit when I first saw your header I was saying to myself "no, it can't be, she is not due yet is she? Her pregnancy really flew by". So now I'm happy to see that I was not losing my mind, HA!

I remember feeling that way and sharing the same reactions you had too. Isn't it so incredible and amazing? I looked at the ultrsound picture constantly and showed it off to anyone who would look.

Love, hugs, and even more happiness to you:)!
Wow! I have my ultrasound on Tuesday and Patrick & I are opting not to find out the baby's gender. We found out with Maya & we decided that this time around the surprise would be really nice. However, we are having the worst time agreeing on names...especially 2 sets of names! Good luck!


-Melanie (1/25/02)
Congratulation to you! Boys are so much FUN! I am having the best time with my little boy learning about so many things that I never cared about before (airplanes, trucks, construction, etc...) and I'm actually interested. It will be so fun for you and your husband preparing for your baby boy's nursery!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!! The fact that the tech was 100% sure is good. They told me my daughter was a boy!! You should have seen me in the delivery room. WHAT???WHAT??? And then my husband and I just goggling, "what will we name her???" The midwife and nurse were just laughing!! We were so happy though- we already had two boys!! What a moment that was. I'll never forget it.

Congratulations!! I saw your post and was surprised that you could already find out--it seems so fast! What a delight to see so much of your is such a miracle. I am counting the weeks (minutes?) until ours is big enough to actually see! I'm so glad that everything went well and that you and your husband had such happy news!


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