Hey kids
Monday already huh? This week is pretty mellow, DH leaves Thursday to San Francisco-my favorite city in the world by the way, for meetings, he is only gone one night thank goodness.
Need to take George to the groomers this AM...need to get going, they like when I arrive early because he takes a long time to get all pretty and smelling nice.:7
Shelly, I know how you feel with the body thing. All that talk about loving your body, all those books that supposedly "teach us" how, have never worked for me either. I have some issues in that department which is why I insist on killing myself with crazy diet and workout programs like I just did.
I will have to check out that glutes workout, I like the sound of it, I am always trying to work my butt, or lack thereof.
Shannon, what sorts of food do you cook in that crockpot? Your salad weekend sounded wonderful, I need to follow suit this week actually! Glad that calf is alright.
Deb, sorry about the bad sleep thing, I cannot fall asleep on the couch, as soon as I get sleepy I head straight for the bedroom, hate falling asleep anywhere else!
Leanne, that leg blast is so hard, I think I actually saw stars during the workout!}( Seriously, I hate it, but in a good way. I did the standing legs/ab premix last week with the added floorwork and really liked that one. But that leg blast, well, let us know how you like it. I like the premixes on B&G because the workout as is, is so dang long, by the time the floorwork rolls around I am getting very scattered, same with Gym Styles...I think I might have exercise ADD!
Jennifer, I wish we could enjoy the outside at night here in Vegas, but it stays hot! It was in the upper 90's yesterday already.
Hi to Lainie, Kara and Robin,,,,I know you are gone, but we still are thinkin' about ya!
Think I have a Spinerval workout this morning, then upper body later on today...bbl