<--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the bone

<--is finally caught up on everything
<--sighs, well, <--got the JCPenney job, but........
<--the pay would only be $7.50 an hour
<--says it is a 50 minute drive there
<--after taxes, <--would be making approximately what <--am making babysitting now
<--if frustrated
<--would work 5 or 6 to close
<--says on a lighter note, sis called and said someone else is interested in <--babysitting
<--is waiting for call on that
<--thanks all for good luck wishes
<--will keep y'all updated for sure

<--agrees that Tig isn't around much, and <--misses her bouncy self
<--is continuing prayers for Mel, her DH, and the boys
<--is enjoying Robin's updates
<--is sorry Michele is having a hard time with the shoes
<--is also sorry for teh car expense for Tammy
<--waves to Elainee and tells her <--am feeling alright for now
<--is impressed at how well Beavs has been handling everything
<--is glad Nance has taken care of the glasses, and agrees that they are way to expensive
<--loves <--cover girl Walmart frames! $45!
<--is sorry AMy cut her finger, sends some Neosporin
<--is also sorry that Amyg is having family troubles
<--thinks Amyg and DH need to "escape" alone to a tropical island for the holidays
<--waves to Judy and continues to wish for safe runs for her, Tig to, and all the outside runners
<--is really sorry the chair was destroyed at SHelleys!
<--thinks Shelley handled herself well last niht, or atleast how <-- would have reacted after a day like that
<--sends mor hugs to Shelley while she is at "that place" today
<--isn't cooking dinner either since DH will be late too
<--is waiting for kids to go home so <--can do a GOOD WO since <--didn't do one yesterday adn went to a Pampered Chef party and ate 2, yes 2 pieces of a delicious apple pizza!
<--was in bed falling asleep at 10pm last night, but is still tired!

<--jsut realized how long this post is, sorry!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in family album!!


<---hopes Meg can work out her job woes
<---wonders which JCP it was?
<---is glad Nance is getting her glasses fixed
<---agrees that eyeglasses are VERY expensive
<---has a pair of rimless Silhouettes
<---says they were free
<---is entitle to one pair of free eyeglasses each year
<---is due for new ones
<---is in love with Kawasaki rimless frames
<---hopes Michele gets all her stuff done
<---thinks Robin should do a daily recap everyday
<---also misses Tig
<---wonders how story hour went at Melody's
<---thinks if anyone should lead extreme BC it should be Ame
<---has to go start dinner
<---will BBL
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--tells Ame my favorite leg move is walking into a winery}(
<--is glad they can get part for Nancy's glasses,but sorry the warrenty is up and the part is so expensive
<---is sorry for Maeghan's low pay at Penny's
<---wonders if she counted the employee discount
<---hopes she can find financial wellness with babysitting
<---LOL at Michele wasting 2 hours napping, then posting to tell us instead of running those danged errands
<---wonders when Mr DH leaves
<---hopes Shelley made it through the afternoon with the Queen B without shedding blood
<---was glad to hear ever so briefly from Beavs, Shannon and Deb
<---has to go flip the marinating salmon
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<----spent the entire weekend at Crossgates
<----tells Meg we will have to meet there some weekend
<----is off to put some warmer clothes on
<----says MsDewyHotFlash can't get warm today:7:7:7
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--talked to DT and he said "you don't have much choice"
<--knows it's true
<--is off to trek back across town in the rain to pick up the expensive glasses
<--will then go home
<--later gators
Ms. Whineypants
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<---waves to Beavs and Shannon
<---is glad they checked in
<---is happy that Nancy will be returning to adequate vision capabilities
<---would like some of Robin's salmon, please
<---is sorry for Maeghan's difficulties and frustrations
<---longs for sis's 2 hour nap
<---hopes Shelley is alive and well
<---needs Tammy's eyeglass deal for <---, DH & Wil
<---is trying to remember what Ame is up to...guesses BC and maybe sort of studying law
<---hopes Deb is back into the gym groove
<---waves if <---missed ya
<---is going to scrape up something for dinner for the 3 of us as
<---'s DH and Lee aren't home yet
<---has an untouched pumpkin pie sitting on the kitchen counter
<---knows that will change after dinner and everyone is home
<---will not partake
<---will only sniff
<---is dealing with a completely nonfunctional brain
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--- survived the afternoon
<--- says Nance is lucky to have got away with $135 instead of another $1000;)
<--- reports that there was no further destruction today
<--- also reports that Queen B was NOT at the Sales Centre today
<--- is ashamed of her eating today
<--- is crossing her fingers for Meg to get more babysitting jobs
<--- will send Sophie to Meg for babysitting:p
<--- is excruciatingly exhausted and now has to go walk the dogs, bathe her daughter in preparation for picture day tomorrow and then do Plyo X
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<---thinks poor tired Shelley could use Ms Lee's 2 hour nap
<---agrees with Maeghan about not having any $$ to spend, even with the discount
<---wishes DD would realize that with her job at K Mart
<---is sure DD has spent more there than she has earned
<---just got a call from SIL
<---says she and her DH are going to try to come up in Nov
<---says that means another trip to the Finger Lakes - Whoopee!
<---would love to share delish salmon with Michele, but we little piggies ate it all up - yum!
<---is going to go measure DS's bedroom to try and get an idea how much new carpet would cost
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<---really wanted some salmon:7
<---is here to say good night loverlies
<---sends relaxation and sweet dreams to all
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--is home
<--is very glad to be home
<--says it is awful and rainy and windy out there
<--made it all the way to almost in front of her door, and got splashed and drenched by a passing car x(
<--says it was one of the brand new outfits too x(
<--says, on a happier note, the new dining room chair cushions came from Beyond and they are PERFECT
<--says they are a beautiful, deep burgundy shade of red that matches the rug, are stain repellant and DT-proof ;)
<--is thrilled that they were only $12.99 each!!
<--also loves all the other stuff that came
<--just realized she's back to blabbing about shopping again
<--didn't hear much about what Tammy purchased at Crossgates, and would like some details please
<--is very nervous and forgetful and unfocused tonight
<--has a meeting with a very prominent attorney in <--'s field tomorrow and is terribly intimidated by her
<--can't remember what anyone here has posted :(
Ms. Scaredypants
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--- is done her workout
<--- still has to make lunches and shower
<--- says it's tempting to leave lunches until morning
<--- is so tired she wants to cry
<--- hates PMS with all the passion in her soulx(
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--also hates PMS
<--suggests that Shelley take a few Advil and get to bed early tonight
<--is sure she'll feel better in the morning
Ms. Whineypants
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--- says that Advil does nothing for her PMS
<--- says the only thing that works are prescription drugs that are highly addictive so she doesn't like taking them very often
<--- will likely feel better, oh, say about Sunday (when PMS is hopefully over!)
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<---is glad Nancy is happy with all of her purchases
<---tells Nancy <---'s shopping excursion to Crossgates was a bust
<---has no good purchases to share
<---wants a down comforter
<---can't believe how $$$ they are
<---hopes Shelley's PMS passes quickly
<---waves goodnight to all:* :*
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--- {{{{{Shelley}}}}}:* :*
<--- {{{{{Everybody else}}}}}:* :*
<--- can't play, is just taking an after dinner break while DH is working on a few last minute details
<--- is about to serve up an unclean dessert:eek: :9
<--- won't be around until late tomorrow because she has an appt out of town with her eye doctor
<--- blows g'night kisshies to all:* :* :*
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<--waves at everyone this evening
<--all the Rhytmics have been Stepped
<--was too tired to try Imax, though
<--dinner is eaten
<--DH wanted pizza, so he ordered
<--ate lots of veggies to fill up before pizza
<--made some very yummy roasted chickpeas
<--DH doesn't like them, thinks that's okay
<--bought some new Ryka shoes today
<--thanks a certain someone for that!!!
<--looked on Zappos, but was too overwhelmed!
<--thinks Ms. ShoppingSuperStarPants' new chairs sound lovely!
<--is sorry that Shelley is having issues and needs the HH
<--is glad that Queen B wasn't at the sales centre this afternoon with Shelley
<--hopes that Ame's test went well!
<--is off to scrounge up some tea
<--congrats Megs on her new job, hopes it all works out!
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<---isn't sleepingx( :-(
<---will see the Wizard about some courage for Ms. Scaredypants
<---will ask the Wizard for miracle PMS cure for Shelley
<---will take some of that cure
<---hopes Michele and DH enjoyed the sinful dessert
<---wishes Tammy better luck shopping next time
<---thinks Amy was a smart cookie...cookie????...to fill up on veggies
<---saw a work-related thread begun by Robin and will check it out
<---is then going to soak in a hot tub at this insane hour
<---hopes that will lull <---to sleep
RE: <--- It's a fool who believes love is bred in the b...

<-- waves a sleepy hello to everyone
<-- has missed posting the past couple days
<-- wishes <-- had DSL so <-- didn't have to stay offline to wait for phone calls x(
<-- sending lots of warm, feel better and get well hugs to the group :D :*
<-- can only remember snipets of what <-- just read is this thread
<-- is embarressed by that
<-- wants to type more personally, but is tired
<-- wanted to pop e-head in and say good night
<-- is very excited that new WOs will be shipped out soon :D }( :p :D
<-- really needs to get back into a full lose-weight swing and focus
<-- is starting to babble
<-- sweet dreams friends :*

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