itrain suggestions for treadmill workouts


I've never done an itrain workout, but would like to try some of the treadmill ones. If any of you have tried any of these workouts, let me know which ones you think are good. There's so many to choose from. I guess I'm an average jogger/runner- my average pace per mile is 8:00-8:30 minutes/mile.
Itread # 9/60 minutes long fast endurance run
Itread 21/30 minutes intervals
Itreads 13 and 19/30 mins sprints
Here are a few of MY favorites:

Set 11, 40 mins (steady run, 6% hill at halfway mark, steady run with increases, finish on a 4-6% hill)
Set 19, 30 mins, Sprints (6 sprints all from a walk, hill sprints for sprint #s 4 & 5, last sprint has you go fast run, slow run, fast run of YOUR CHOICE)
Set 25, 40 mins, Top 40 (hilly)
Set 26, 30 mins (tempo)

NOW....of to check out set #3, Lorrie!

i love them ALL. i couldn't pick a fave but some that come to mind as fun and good are:

the 30 minute sprints
the 60 minute interval
#5/60 minutes
#9/60 minutes (fast and flat)!

maybe this will help you decide (i only did it for the ones i have):

Set 1 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 1 40 min.-increasing speed and incline concurrently; large incline, speed work, and sprints
Set 2 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 2 40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 3 40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 3 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 4 60 min.-warm up, small hills and intervals, sprints, heavier hills, steady pacing.
Set 5 40 min.-40 min.-warm up, hills, sprints, and intervals
Set 5 60 min.-indoor marathon training; alternating 6 minutes running w/ speed increases w/ 1 minute recovery; run/walk; run 6.0 on 8% hill w/ recovery walk; run w/ speed increases .1 or .2 every minute; walk up 10% hill; increase to 11%; set of squats on treadmill; short sprint (60s), recovery walk; long sprint (90s), recovery run, recovery walk; long sprint, recovery run, recovery walk; fast sprint, increase speed .5, decrease speed .5, recovery walk; going home-flat and fast.
Outdoors Set 6 60 min.
Set 7 60 min.-run w/ speed increases during warm up; walk up 10% hill; run w/ speed increases; run up 6% hill; run w/ speed increases .1 or .2 every minute; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; 60 second sprint w/ recovery run; run up 3% hill; recovery run; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; 90 second sprint w/ recovery walk; walk up 10% hill; going home-steady state for 8 minutes w/ optional speed increases; cool down-walk.
Set 7 40 min.-consistent pace increases; steady state with mid-size hills; intervals of speed work.
Set 8 60 min.-steady state with heavy hills; continuous speed increasing slowly; speed intervals; fast recovery with small hills and one large hill at the end.
Set 8 Tread/Ballet 40 min.-10 minute run then 5 minutes of cardio and 5 minutes of deep muscle conditioning alternating; run is flat with few hills.
Set 9 60 min.-sprints and distance. Flat and fast!
Set 9 40 min.-increasing speed and incline concurrently; speed work and sprints.
Outdoors Set 10 60 min.
Set 12 45 min.-quick warm up and 4% hill; steady run then 4% hill; long, fast intervals.
Set 13 30 min.-6 sprints, 6 recoveries.
Set 13 45 min.-warm up; 3% incline; steady run; series of short runs up 6% hill; run up 2% hill; easy run home.
Set 14 45 min.-endurance run with a 6:1 ratio. 6 minutes of running with 1 minute of a challenging recovery.
Set 14 60 min.-mostly flat-phase 1 run and increase incline to 2%; 2 increase speed gradually, mostly steady state; 3 increase speed 5-6% then steady; 4 steady w/ 2-3% hills.
Set 15 60 min.-warm up on a small incline; 2% speed increase; 3 minute sprint, heavy hill (10%), steady pace; sprints on small incline, steady pace, hill climb (5%); running intervals up to 5%; 3 minute sprint; easy pace home.
Set 17 45 min.-warm up; speed increases with steady run up 3% hill; steady flat run; intervals; intervals on 2% hill; sprints on 6% hill; steady, fast run for 5 minutes; 3 60 second sprints to end.
Outdoors Set 17 60 min.
Set 18 40 min.-start with 8-10% hills; flat and steady; 8% hill; steady run with speed increases.
Set 19 30 min.-sprint work.
Set 19 (Tread and Tush) 45 min.-5 minutes cardio, 5 minutes sculpting.
Set 20 30 min.-increase speed .1 every minute w/ walk recovery every 10 min.
Set 20 60 min.-warm up with small incline (2%) with intervals of 2-3% speed increases; base pace with 5, 6, and 8% hill; steady run on the flats with bursts of speed; sprints and interval challenges; going home.
Set 21 35 min.-intervals and sprints; pace goes from high to low; high intensity peaks to low intensity recovery runs.
Set 24 60 min.-interval run; flat and fast; includes 5 sprints; first sprint during phase 1; the rest at the end of phase 2.
Set 27 30 min.-drills

iBiClimb Boot Camp 60 min.-alternates from treadmill (about 20 minutes on the TM and 20 minutes on the elliptical)to elliptical with intervals of body work in between.

iTread Circuit Circus 90 min.-alternates from treadmill to elliptical (more time on treadmill than elliptical) with body work in between intervals.
I love iTreads, I've done very few that I didn't click with... Here are some of my all time favorites:

1) iTread 26 - 30 minutes (tempo run)
2) iTread 20 - 30 minutes (tempo with 3 rests)
3) iTread 27 Drills - 30 mintutes - Intervals
4) iTread 21 Intervals
5) iTread 24 Run Intervals - 60 minutes - Sprints/Intervals
6) iTread 14 - 45 minutes - Intervals with interesting rests


P.S. PM me if you'd like me to email you my list of iTread breakdowns. I have a Word Document that has lots of times, speeds, etc.
:) LOL:)

Between Lorie and Kathy (I've seen Kathy's document, I believe), we've got the entire BIBLE of iTread workouts here!

THANKS, ladies!


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