<---waves good morning to all and yells "Happy Friday!!!"
<---did LIC total body sculpt this morning and loved every minute
<---really wants to get outside and run, but it's too cold and windy still
<---has had it up to here with winter!
<---hopes Shelley doesn't have a hard time getting home today
<---is jealous that Judy is getting a workout room in her basement
<---hopes Wendy has a fabulous time in Atlantic City
<---has never been to AC
<---hopes Robin has... er... fun with the funguys.
<---wonders if Melissa is happy about being able to go back to work on Monday?
<---tells MSY that she isn't the only one getting into the Girl Scout cookies *burp*
<---hopes A3 has a great walk/jog workout
<---says "Way to go on the kickass bike workout, elaine!"
<---is so sorry to hear about Tammy's mother
<---thanks Nancy for letting us know what's up
<---is also sending healing vibes to Tammy's mom
<---says "Woo hoo Catherine!" on getting a compliment from a man friend!
<---knows that is always a great feeling
<---hopes the exterminator gets to Michele's house soon
<---thinks ants suck x(
<---wishes <--- could go to the GTG
<---hopes y'all have fun!
<---did LIC total body sculpt this morning and loved every minute
<---really wants to get outside and run, but it's too cold and windy still
<---has had it up to here with winter!
<---hopes Shelley doesn't have a hard time getting home today
<---is jealous that Judy is getting a workout room in her basement
<---hopes Wendy has a fabulous time in Atlantic City
<---has never been to AC
<---hopes Robin has... er... fun with the funguys.
<---wonders if Melissa is happy about being able to go back to work on Monday?
<---tells MSY that she isn't the only one getting into the Girl Scout cookies *burp*
<---hopes A3 has a great walk/jog workout
<---says "Way to go on the kickass bike workout, elaine!"
<---is so sorry to hear about Tammy's mother
<---thanks Nancy for letting us know what's up
<---is also sending healing vibes to Tammy's mom
<---says "Woo hoo Catherine!" on getting a compliment from a man friend!
<---knows that is always a great feeling
<---hopes the exterminator gets to Michele's house soon
<---thinks ants suck x(
<---wishes <--- could go to the GTG
<---hopes y'all have fun!