
My husband and I ordered this from a friend and got excellent results. Well I stop after 5 days and had lost 7lbs. I was small enough 114 pounds LOL, my husband did his first one last Novenmber and lost 15 pounds and has yet to gain it back he actually lost an extra 3 pounds once off the program, he's starting another after the SUPER BOWL!!!. We both did the 9 day program and drank at least 80 ozs of water aday while on the program so it wasn't water weight we lost. I figured if it didn't work we could get our money back LOL LOL.

Hi - I tried it and didn't like it so well. It's a very strenuous program that has you going on an extremely low calorie "fast" for the first 3 days, then a one meal plus two meal replacements for 6 days.

I didn't make it to the end of the first 3 days. The fluid you drink during the fast, which has a lot of aloe vera in it, made me seriously sick. I threw up. I know I'm in the minority on that part of it, but I've got friends who've gotten seriously sick and even thrown off their electrolyte balance by following something so severe.

I would be much more inclined to recommend BFFM or Weight Watchers or the new Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno. I think a cleaner eating lifestyle designed to help you lose no more than 2 pounds a week, 3 tops, is much healther and a better way to ensure it's fat your losing and that it's a permanent loss.

Just my opinion! Good luck!

Hi Utah Girl. My friend actually redesigned the program along with the meal plan and gave us two meals aday. We weren't hungry at all. It just goes to show that everything doesn't work for everybody LOL. We questioned everything especially since my husband is 6'4 and weighs 278 now LOL. He pushes alot of weigh in the gym and he LOVES to eat. Me on the other hand I'm barely squating 150 but we didn't want to lose any muscle, so it worked like a GEM for us:). I agree the way the program is written out it's very hard and that was the reason we questioned it;-). Now that this guy has rewritten the program for us its perfect, and for us it works :).

I just noticed something you said you fasted for 3 days? I didn't even look and the program they sent me LOL. You know that little green book I just copied what the Dietian and Sports Nutritionist sent us. Was the three days all the first three days or were they split up?

Thanks Utah girl
No problem!

The fasting days were right at the start of the 9 days. I know people who have actually done this program and lost 10 pounds in 10 days, but it never lasted for them...

Sounds like your modification worked much better! :)


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