Is Waterhouse right?



Cathe, in the frequently recommended book "Outsmarting the midlife fat cell" by Debra Waterhouse, she states that overexercising will compromise your ability to burn fat. Overexercising is usually defined (according to Waterhouse) as more than 10 hours per week. The affect is supposed to be the same as restricting calories & slowing down ones metabolism. Does this make sense?

If I'm training for a long hike or a cycling event, I far exceed 10 hours of exercise per week. Heck, just walking the dogs in the hilly fields around my home is probably 10 hours per week. I hate to think that this is the equivilant of eating 1400 calories a day as far as my metabolism is concerned.

I was under the impression (illusion?) that endurance work will train your body to use more fat stores & save glycogen while exercising.

By the way, I've been following your cross-training advice since I'm not training for a cycling event right now. The shock to my body is bringing out definition just like you said it would! Then there's the fun factor of dusting off neglected videos & trying new things. Thanks for your advice.


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