Is this normal?

Over the course of this last week I did Slow and Heavy - all 3 workouts (on different days). Today my chest is hurting. It's not like a constant pain but if I place my hand on my chest, in the middle it's sore, really sore. I guess what I'm asking is is this a form of chest DOMS (I did the chest workout on Wednesday) or did I do something wrong?

Hi Travis,

The first time I did slow and heavy every inch of my upper body had doms. Places I never thought could possibly have a muscle.

I can't say that you did something wrong but if you weight lift with other videos I would think you have the form down.

I have doms for a few days with a non slow and heavy workout.

Is this your first time with SH?

Hope you feel better soon.
Hi Winter,

Yes, this was my first time using Slow & Heavy - and my husband tells me that I've complained about this pain before, but it hasn't been in a long while (obviously if I'm not remembering it).

I guess I never thought I could possibly have a muscle where it's hurting -- thanks for saying that. It made it all seem better.

I'm really sore today too -- in other places - :)
Hi Travis,

Like Winter said, I always get really bad DOMS once I start up a new S&H rotation, and my chest always seems to be the worst! You're not alone!:)
The first time I did S&H Chest and Back, I got DOMS the next day. In fact, I laid off weight training for a few days to recover. I felt really sore. The next time I cycled through S&H Chest and Back, I did not get any soreness. It's a tough workoout that works!

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