Is there a supplement to raise seratonin level?


Does anyone know of a supplement to raise seratonin levels?

Anyone have an opinion and/or experience with StarchBusters?

Thank you in advance....
I was just reading a free issue of "Delicious Living" (, distributed by my local supermarket. I have no idea how reliable a source this is, but it had some statements that relate to your first question. In an article about dealing with depression, it quoted a nutritional consultant saying that "...folic acid helps maintain healthy levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, including the neurotransmitter serotonin, a hormone that affects mood."

It also quoted the same nutritional consultant saying "The artificial sweetener aspartame can block the formation of serotonin and can cause headaches, insomnia, and depression in individuals who may be serotonin-deprived."
The supplement that raises your serotonin level is 5-HTP. There's an excellent book on the subject called 5-HTP by Michael Murray ND. I've seen it at Borders and Amazon.

Another free way to raise serotonin levels is by getting at least a half-hour of outdoor sunlight every day, even on cloudy days.

I buy my 5-HTP supplements at Walmart.
I thought so, too. And what about that SAM-E? I'm not qualified to recommend anything. These are just things I've heard, but it's worth checking into.

LOL that's easy: chocolate! :)

I'm not sure about St John's Wort effect on serotonin levels but I do know that it has been shown to conflict with certain medications and IIRC it reduces the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill so if you decide to try it, check with your GP first.
- Lisa :)
What exactly is 5-HTP? Is it safe? How much does it cost? How many do you take per day? What difference has it made to your health?

Sorry for the questions but I am someone with a very sensitive reaction to SSRI's, so if this supplememnt could help instead, that would be great!

I couldn't resist looking at this post. I am a pharmacist, why do you want to increase your serotonin levels? Do you want to increase your serotonin levels to allievate depression symptoms? What side effects did you have with SSRIs? As you may know, there are no supplements that are FDA approved. In other words, if you take a supplement you don't know exactly what's in it (it's not FDA regulated) and you don't know what the side effect profile is (except maybe for some small trials that may or may not be biased).
I'm sorry, I don't want to sound negative. Supplements do work well for some people. Just thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

Due 1/25/04

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