Is PX90 hard on your knees?


I've seen the informercial and am really interested but it seems they do a lot of stuff that might kill my knees. I have ostheoarthritis(sp?) and they do hurt sometimes, especially when I'm exercising. Can you modify and still get good results?
I don't have arthritis, and you'd probably get an answer that fits your circumstnaces better from someone who does, but I do have a touchy knee, and I found the plyo moves in Plyo X (the most high-impact of the workouts) to be quite knee friendly (vs the cheerleader-high jumps or pivoty moves in some of Cathe's workouts). There are only two moves in PlyoX that I took to the rebounder or modified for impact, which is easy to do. Tony himself has a bad knee, and often shows modifications of lower body moves, like not going so deep into squats.
While I don't have arthritis, my knees can't handle a lot of high impact, so I was skeptical about PlyoX, too. I have to agree with Kathryn that it seemed to me to be more joint-friendly than some of Cathe's workouts. I was pleasantly surprised. There weren't actually that many moves that I had to modify. That being said, I do think it's a decent workout, but I have to admit, I found myself often subbing other cardio for it.


"Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who runs in front of car gets tired." -Source unknown
Hate to confuse you about this, but although I really liked Plyo-X, it torqued my knee pretty badly, and it took months to heal. I ended up subbing some other cardio for it..

Plyo X could be a problem with the knees but if you do the modified moves like Pam in the workout, it shouldn't be so bad.

For those that are saying the actual moves themselves are not bad, in and of themselves. But what about repeated use of the moves over time....are they harmless in general, but can they cause damage from doing them repeatedly over the course of 90 days?
Plyo X is alittle rough on my knees, but since you do it once a week, I was fine with it. It I did that workout twice a week...forget it as my knees are already crickling and a cracking as it is when I walk downstairs. lol

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