Is Leaner Legs Brutal?

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.... ouch! :) It's non-stop -- instead of taking breaks, you work opposing muscle groups. It's good brutal, though. Get it, you won't regret it (except maybe the day or two after the first time you do it).

Brutal? (insert sadistic laugh here!) "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Yes, it is it's own special little trip through he**! But get it anyway, you'll love it! :)

It differs from S&H/PS/MIS in that it is endurance, so it moves at a much faster pace and there are no usual rest and stretch points, Cathe instead uses "active rest" where you work the opposing muscle group. You'll do squats, then follow up with deadlifts, so while your quads are taking a rest, you're working your hamstrings, and back and forth throughout the 33 minutes! Then she moves on to abs, which are a breeze after the leg work! Another poster said it best previously, "I'm just glad to be lying down at that point!" :)

It's a great leg workout, you wouldn't be sorry for the investment.


Fitness~ it's a journey, not a race!
Hi - It's tough but the results are worth it. When you first do the workout, it is incredibly tough; however, I've found that it's gotten easier for me over time. Right now, I do it every other Wednesday after work. I know I probably should beef up my weight (I use a 35lb barbell and 10lb dumbbells), but I want it as an endurance workout since I train my legs Slow/Heavy & do some leg work on the leg extension/hamstring curl machine every Saturday. I highly recommend Leaner Legs!!! Suzanne
Yes, it is a very tough, non stop leg workout. BUT, it is fun, too. It's hard to say if it is 'tougher', because diff things are tough to diff people. It's an endurance workout, so your weights may be lighter than if you were using MIS, but there are more reps per exercise. I think it is fun because in addition to the great leg workout you get, it's non stop, so it feels challenging cardiovascularly, as well, and also Cathe switches around CONSTANTLY. First your doing squats. Then lunges. Leg press. Calf pumps. Etc., etc. You get the idea. She keeps you busy, so after awhile, on that last round of squat/plie/calf pumps, you're pretty impressed with yourself LOL!
Yeah, Baby! (In Austin Powers' voice)

I have PS and SH legs, too, but they don't kill me like LL does. The first time I tried LL, I felt like I could hardly walk when it was over. Those "low ends" are what gets me - much harder than the "sit and stands!"

Utimately, I feel the strength workouts (PS and SH) and the endurance workouts (LL, PH) compliment each other and it's great to do both, but if I had to pick the "most brutal," LL would win - at least until we see what Pyramid Lower Body is like! Ha.

Ohhhhh Yeahhhhh!!!! It's brutal, but your glad when you make it through. Harder than S&H and PS.
Leaner Legs is by far the hardest leg workout. The low-ends do the trick. But even though it is hard, working the opposing muscles really feels good and it goes by fast, well kind of. You DO feel really good about yourself after!!

Donna M
As everyone else had said, it is BRUTAL!! It's way harder than PS or SH, but the results are worth it. I think I've seen more results with LL than any other leg workout. Unlike Donna M, I don't think it goes by fast. It's the longest 33 minutes I ever spend!!!!:-wow



I just had to chime in here and say that Leaner Legs has definitely slimmed down my lower body immensely! Yes, it is brutal...but incredible. There are days that I really don't want to put it in my VCR, but half way through the first round of squats, I'm totally into it. Cathe just has this way of helping you get through it. And when you are done, you feel amazing!

Let's just say that it really, really WORKS!
RE: Oui...brutal!

Ok then! I'm a masochist! I'm getting it!

Sometimes I WISH I could just run out to Best Buy and get Cathe tapes!!!!!
RE: Cathe at Best Buy

Maybe it's a good thing it's not that easy - we'd all go broke!

I think it's hilarious how the subject of LL comes up frequently and everyone enjoys talking about how awful it is and how much they love it!
RE: Cathe at Best Buy

Yes imagine all of us, totally broke, scrouging for our last dollar and hobbling out to Best Buy on crutches and using walkers because we're broke and sore from all our Cathe buying and doing.

Aw what a great world it would be, eh? *S*

RE: Cathe at Best Buy

The first time I did LL it was at 5:30 am. I guess that early you're still half asleep. Let me tell you it was a brutal way to wake up. I was drenched, gulping down water like I was doing cardio and hobbling back and forth in my tiny apartment glaring at the TV. It wouldn't kept going and going and going and it kept getting worse by the second and I couldn't believe someone expected me to live through THAT. Just when you couldn't take anymore these awful low ends pop up. When you think "OK this has to be the end...there's ABS!!!! ABS??? I can't feel my lowerbody anymore!" I finished it out of sheer stubborness. Then I did it again a month later...strangely enough it landed another 5:30 am slot. I'm so glad my legs don't need LL that badly. On a scale of 1-10, it's a 10 on the pain scale. A lovely workout. You must get it.
My copy of LL has stretch points and rest periods if I happen to need them that's called the pause button. (SHHHH don't tell the Cathe police).

This is an awesome video...get it, view it, do it, and by all means live to tell about it.

RE: Cathe at Best Buy

R_Lam this sounds even worse than the nightmare of pain I've imagined!!!!

Maybe I can have it overnighted? :)

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