Is it worth buying the Timesaver DVD


Hi everyone!

I am fixing to purchase the Body Blast Series and I am debating if I should get the Timesaver DVD as well or the Abs Hits DVD. Is the Timesaver DVD worth purchasing or can I do the same thing with mixing up the DVDs.
Please help I am confused x( and don't know what to do!!! :-(

That's a tough choice. You may get a price break on the BB Series if you buy the whole taco including Timesaver; I don't know. If you do, that makes Timesaver appealing; what also makes Timesaver appealing, aside from the fact that it takes the guesswork out of scheduling a week's worth of workouts, is that there is bonus footage on Timesaver that doesn't appear in the BB workouts.

On the other hand, Ab Hits DVD is awesome. I'd say the scales tilt SLIGHTLY in favor of Ab Hits especially if you don't get a price break by buying Timesaver with the rest of BB.

I have Timesaver and have never used it. Why bother? If you have all the Body Blast series with all the fabulous premixes it contains you can make up as many workouts as you choose to create and this makes Timesaver unnecessary.

Ab Hits is great and I use it all the time. It takes the "rewind" work out of locating all your favourite ab/core workouts from all Cathe's pre-Intensity series prductions.

I wouldn't get Timesaver unless you can get it for a rock bottom price because you are already gettting the BB series. Otherwise, save your cash for future, radically different workouts.

I completely agree with Clare. If you are going to get the Body Blast series, you probably don't need Timesaver. There are so many premixes in the BB series that you could create your own Timesaver from it quite easily. Plus, if you are looking for shorter cardio workouts with some weight work thrown in, I'd go for CTX (if you don't already have it, that is). CTX is one of Cathe's best series, in my opinion, but since it wasn't part of your question, I'll stop talking it up.

Hi Kristine,

I'll take the other side of the coin and recommend that you get the TS dvd. By having segments of all of the BB cardios on one dvd, you can program your player to create workouts that can't be made with the other 3 dvds. For example, someone ages ago posted a thread called "Timesaver Fun Ideas". One of the workouts in that post is high on my list of favourites: it combines Step Blast combos and KPC cardio conditioning. It is one heck of a great workout! TS also contains additional weight work - the push ups are considered one of Cathe's toughest push up sections (the new Gym Style Chest workout has probably taken top spot these days!). There's also a complete lower body workout on the TS that uses parts of L&G, SJP, and bonus material. If you like L&G, then this workout is a great variation to keep you from getting bored.

Ab Hits is the only Cathe dvd that I do not own. Since I have all the original workouts on dvd, I have never felt the need to repurchase them. But if you don't already have a good selection of challenging core work, then Ab Hits would be a great buy.

All the best,
I had Timesaver and found that I only used the #5 Workout, which had all lower body and a great core section. I sold it on Ebay and bought KPC/LL to replace it!
i didn't buy it when i bought my body blast series...

i haven't missed it and haven't had a desire to buy it...

i do use CTX quite often though!

when i'm in a time crunch.. i usually do bootcamp or cardio kicks cuz i get a complete body workout in 60 minutes!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Great, thank you everybody for your input.

I ordered the Body Blast Series without the Timesaver and I ordered the Abs Hits DVD.
Now I just have to wait til it gets here. x( x( x(

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