Is it true you can't get back your pre-preg stomach?



I don't have kids yet, but my sister-in-law has had 4 kids, and she just turned 28. She told me she couldn't get rid of the excess skin (and probably a little fat?) from having kids and so she got a tummy tuck. Is that necessary?

She gained 20lbs with the first, then 30 lbs, then 40 lbs, and finally she gained 50lbs with her 4th pregnancy. Does all that extra weight contribute to her loose skin? Or is it just genetics like she told me?

How common is it for people to not be able to get back their pre-pregnancy bodies? Cathe looks great, but is she a phenomonon????

Thanks so much!!


I have two children 19 months apart. I turned 34 a few months after
I had my second. I gained 20 pounds with each. I recall being worried
my stomach would never be flat or toned every again. I was left with
a small deflated belly both times. But thank you to working out
my stomach the first and this last time is flatter and stronger than
it might have been before being pregnant. It could be genes but
I gain weight steadily, ate well(best that you can) and the key
was I exercised up until the day I gave birth. My sister whom is
a slender woman herself didn't exercise with her two kids.
She has extra skin and is a tad self conscious. But I really don't
buy into your body can't be like it was before. I honestly love my
figure more than I ever did. I also feel so accomplished having
healthy children. Good Luck to you in the future!!!! Children
are the best. You will be so grateful.

Jennifer Claire 12/24/2005
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/2007
I think it's pretty common to get back to your old body if fitness is part of your life. (I also know some women who never work out, and got their old bodies back as well).

I'm 28 weeks with my first, and have worked out through my entire pregnancy. I'm really hoping my body goes back!

Like the other poster said, I think a large part of it is how well you take care of yourself during pregnancy. Of course genetics play a role, particularly in how your skin responds (stretch marks, sagginess, etc...).

But I know MANY women who got their bodies back, and look/feel even better than they did pre-pregnancy.
I totally let myself go with both of my pregnancies. I gained 55 pounds per child. And I had a c-section with my second child. I totally thought I'd never look the same again. Until I got serious about my workouts this past summer and started eating as clean as I could. Cathe really really really helped me. The weight work really helped change my body. My body wasn't the same as before kids, and I no longer wore a size 4, but I think that you're mindset changes after kids and the number on the scale and the size of your jeans is no longer a top priority. Being able to run and have lots of fun with the kids and to feel strong and healthy is a top priority. I was perfectly happy in 6s and 8s, and my body was firmer than it had ever been (aside from a small lower ab pooch that I just chalked up to a c-section badge of honor). Now I'm pregnant again and have quit exercising for the first trimester (about to pick it up again, though). I have eaten pretty badly (carbs, carbs and more carbs) to get myself through the nausea, but I know that no matter what, a good body is achievable again.
RE: Is it true you can't get back your pre-preg stomach...

It really depends. I will never have my pre pregnancy abs back. I gain a lot whilst pregnant, have very large babies and my belly really pokes out front in a huge way. I don't think I have much control over any of this as this is my 7th pregnancy and my body just seems to do what it does.

This does not really bother me as I do get back to a normal weight post partum and I don't wear belly baring clothes. My husband doesn't mind because he sees it as a part of having a beautiful large family.

I think if you work out and eat well, you will be able to do pretty well in terms of getting your figure back--you may even get it back totally like Cathe, but a certain amount does depend on genetics.

I also want to add, that I've gotten the rest of me into really good shape post partum. (It takes a whilex( ). While the abs have suffered over time, the rest of me has not so much, although just getting old is taking it's toll.

RE: Is it true you can't get back your pre-preg stomach...

I had my first at 33 and my second at 36. I gained 23 pounds with my first, 22 with my second. After my second pregnancy I lost pregnancy weight plus some. Now at 38 with a 2 and a 4.6 year old my tummy is more toned than ever. I did exercise til the end with both my girls and both were smaller babies, 6lbs and some ounces. P.S. Unlike Maggie, who I am still amazed at her mothering abilities, I will wear a bikini this summer.
I have been able to get back to my pre-pregnancy body after the first 2 kids. With this one, once I start exercising again,I'll have my body back.I'am 2lbs from my pre-preggo weight(6lbs from my goal weight)

Breast feeding and eating well helps after the baby is born. It is possible to get back in shape. However, not everything will be where is used to be and that is more than okay because you will have a beautiful child to more than make up for that.
I actually think it comes down to both your dna and lifestyle. I know of some women who really just can't lose that little pouch, but others who have. I haven't lost mine entirely, but looking at it rationally, I know that I probably could to it if I cleaned up my diet more.
After having 3 kids, 3 years in a row, my mom got her 6 pack belly back. No surgery.

To this day, her abs are still ripped.

I'm hoping I have a little of the same luck after this one! :) :)

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