Is it okay to do 2 CTX cardios in one workout?


Active Member
I'm trying to lose some weight and I want to order the new CTX Express Series (or the intensity series I'm still not sure which one) My cardio workouts are about 38 to 45 minutes long (almost all Cathe workouts) right now. I don't think I should shorten the cardio length so I was wondering if it would be okay to do two of the cardio portion from CTX together with modifications of course.:7 Any thoughts or experience would be helpful thanks
The CTX series is pretty intense and high impact. I personally think it would be better to do two of the cardios in the same workout, then take a day off, than to do them one day after the other.
It's okay, I mean it would be just like doing an hour of REALLY intense aerobics. I've done it a few times, not often as usually any one of the CTX cardios CAN stand alone, but there have been times I'll do 2 of them, such as Step & Intervals followed by All Step, or kickbox followed by PowerCircuit, but unless you're really into hour long high impact and high intensity workouts, they can stand alone and be a great workout at 30 minutes! :)
But it's all in what you feel is right for you, so try it, and then you'll either like it or know you don't EVER want to go there again! :)

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
i agree with Kathryn. They are pretty intense. I would do the day off, one day on. I did CTX Power Circuit tacked on to IMAX Blasts only the other day and I swear I thought I was going to die..... Next time it will be PC with Intervals 1-5 or 6-10. You really miss those cardio workups to the blasts when you don't have them. I can't get my HR back down in time!!! Plus, I haven't memorized Imax 2 yet so I do still stand there and stare still... Ugghh..I hate that stage. Don't you guys wish Cathe had paired IMAX 1 with IMAX 2 and we could have mixed and matched them together. I miss some of the intervals from Imax1!!

Sorry to go off on my own tangeant there.... I will tell you that I lost a good amount of body fat when I incorporated CTX in my routine. It seems like it broke me through a plateau. Many times though I do it on a 4" step just so I don't feel so wiped afterwards. It is still a very good cardio workout. On the 4" step I can focus on making my jumps as high as i can and my movements are more dynamic. And, of course, it saves my knees as I am only 5'... go ahead and order it. Next to IS and S&H it is one of Cathe's best series...
Yes! I think it's great to do 2 CTX cardios back-to-back! Last week I did All Step and Step&Intervals together for a really great combo, just eliminated the warmup from the 2nd one. And another day last week, I did CTX Kickbox followed by 10/10/10--again, leaving out the 10/10/10 warmup. IMHO they combine fantastically into one almost-full-hour of intense cardio!
I do 2 CTX videos most of the time.I have the tapes so I usually get one already to use.You may want to fastforward some of the slower stuff b/c I find that your heart rate gets lowered and you have to gradually bring it back up again.Example: if you are going to do Step and Intervals and then Power Circuit, I would fastforward the floor aerobics in powercircuit and go right to the step part.But that is just me, you may want to do it.I just hate it when I stop sweating and then start sweating again...:p
Have fun,

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