Is it just me ? ...


I find that I have to pause several times during a workout sometimes and take a 1 or 2 min break. I am now doing MIS and I find it quite brutal. I take a break inbetween the chest superset if I want to complete the 2nd set of pushups. I take a break between the the barbell upright row and the barbell shoulder press and also between the barbell bicep superset. And on top of that, I don't even do the workout as a full w/o... I actually spread it over 3 days as after doing the legs (which I find tough) I am so winded !!
I did this last week when doing ctx upper body. I used as heavy weights as I could and breaked between sets to be able to use the heavier weight again. I liked it. Melissa
I use my pause button quite often. Especially during Gym Style Chest & Triceps. I need extra rests between the pushups.

Don't worry about it, it's not just you who takes longer breaks. I often add longer breaks between sets of exercises on Cathe's workouts. I find I can lift better when I do, and some of the workouts (like PLB) feel rushed if I don't. I let my body tell me when it's ready to go on: it's my best personal trainer!

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