is it just me or do in-laws stink?


Hi everyone, I just need to vent. My in-laws are upset that I spent money on Cathe's tapes. They say it doesn't work, she looks ridiculous and wonder why anyone would spend good money on her tapes. I will show them wrong when I look great but they are always undermining everything I do. I wouldn't have shown them the tapes but we live in the same house and they got the mail. So they asked and I told them, big mistake!!!! My father in law even asked if Cathe was a man. God give me strength
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-02 AT 07:23PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Cookiebaby,

They are just jealous, because maybe they have always wanted to go out and do some exercise, but been afraid to ! Next time you get a delivery of cathe videos, and they ask, tell them that they are porn films. That'll shut them up. :)


PS: Hi Cookiebaby, after some serious thought, perhaps it is best not to tell the in-laws they are porn films, it could land you in more hot water ! Ignore Anna's ridiculous idea ! (please ! sorry everyone !).
Anna is right. People make nasty remarks because they feel threatened when other people are trying to better themselves. Makes them feel guilty. It helps me to remember that!
Luckily I have wonderful in-laws. I agree that your in-laws are envious of what you are trying to accomplish. Keep your head high and know that we are right behind you backing you up. Don't let them discourage you from doing something that is great for yourself and that will make you feel good about yourself.

Good Luck!
I hate it when the people that are closest to you undermine the things you is probably the fact that you are living in the same home to.My in laws are great but I think if I had to live in the same house with them I would crack up.
I use to live in my sister in laws basement and she once said that aerobics was a waste of tape but if she came down stairs while I was doing it she was always amazed at how hard I was working. Then again she was 5'7" and 120 lbs.She had a awesome body.I have to say had b/c she is pregnate now but she still looks awesome .
Anyways, you show those in laws.And go house shopping it were only as easy as buying a cathe video)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-02 AT 05:08AM (Est)[/font][p]1) Your mail is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! You DO NOT have to tell them what it is when you get a package.

2) It's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS if you want to exercise. They don't exercise, and you don't make it YOUR business, do you? I have a feeling you wouldn't dare.

3) Their opinion means nothing, as far as whether it "works" or not. It's your opinion that counts this time, so if you think doing Cathe tapes will work for you, DO THEM. Repeat after me, "If I want your opinion, I'll ASK FOR IT!!!!"

4) You teach people how to treat you (quoting Dr. Phil)- so if you allow their behavior to continue, it's your fault. Don't tolerate their asking about your mail, opening your mail, etc. If they start to rag on you, walk away and DON'T LISTEN TO THEM.

5) Start looking for another place to live. They obviously feel that if you're living in their house, they have a right to run your life. You are not their 6 year old child, you are an adult, and you deserve to be treated like one. You might want to remind them of that fact.

Cheez! Don't you just hate people like that? They need to thank their lucky stars that God is his wisdom did not give them ME for a daughter-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like there's a lot more going on than a small Cathe controversy where you live! BTW, yes, 90% of in-laws do stink, and 5% of the other 10% are marginal at best.

I'm with Honeybunch; there's an enormous None-Of-Your-&*(^%$#-Beeswax element here. However, when you're living with family of origin or in-laws, whacked-out communication patterns (that are usually a one-way street of I-criticize-you-swallow-it) rule. Any chance you can move out in the near future?

Don't waste (I almost did a Freudian and typed "waist") your breath on convincing these lunkheads of the value of exercise in general or Cathe in particular. You need all the oxygen you can get for your workouts!

Annette Q. Aquajock
In sympathy and empathy
I second everything Honeybunch said!! You'd be better off living in a one-room studio apartment then living with these folks. Honeybunch, what channel and time is Dr. Phil on? I've never seem him.
Dr. Phil has a new syndicated show. Check your local listings. Dr. Phil rocks!
I cannot, for the life of me, understand why some people can be so cruel and belittle each other. One should go through life lifting others up, encouraging them, making them feel good about themselves, not pushing them down. Souls are delicate, treat them kindly. I mean, why put you down? Why put Cathe down? Sorry to go on, I'm one pissed soul.

But one word of caution, and I'm sure you already know this: Exercise for yourself and don't waste time trying to impress your in-laws. YOU are what MATTERS, not them.

If I listened to some of the members of my family (who grow VERY silent when I mention "workout"), I'd be sleeping in 'til at least 5:30 a.m. every morning! No . . . wait a minute. Maybe I should listen to my silent family! No, wait a minute, that's an oxymoron . . . I think. Doh!!!!

My gosh, cookiebaby, how do you put up with it? Next time they start commenting on how "ridiculous" you look, just tell them that you can't believe they'd call you ridiculous for wanting to do something good for yourself. Tell them you find that "outrageous!" Keep up the good work. I've only been doing my Cathe video for about a month and I absolutely love her. She's awesome!

If your father in-law couldn't tell if she was male or female...never mind, I better not go there. Sorry for being catty.

One day SOON you'll be running laps around them and then we'll see who looks ridiculous.
My in laws find it odd that I workout so much. Whenever I bring it up I get that blank stare from them. They are both overweight and need to clean up their act. My husbands afraid that now that dad has retired he'll be dead in a year from just sitting around!
They used to say things to me about my muscles and the way I look but after knowing them for 14 years now they have given up on me. They see all my magazines at the house and thankfully now keep their trap shut! :) I've taken good care of their son and produced 2 healthy grandbabies so maybe they've realized it's not such a bad thing to be woman with muscles! ;-) Susan
Don't even try to get your in-laws to understand exercising. Obviously, they don't "get" it. Perhaps they are from the generation that considers women to be better looking, and more feminine the skinnier and weaker they are. My grandparents don't understand toned muscles on women either. My Grandmother once complimented my sister on how "nice and slim" she looked just after she had been diagnosed as being malnurished.
Use your anger and frustration to power you through the tough workouts!

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