Is granola really good for you?


Someone made me a yogurt parfait that was really good. Yogurt with a little granola and blueberries and bananas. I really liked it but is granola too fattening? Is it good for you? Any recommendations on a brand if it is?
Thank you!
Yes I think granola in general has a lot of fat and calories but a little in a parfait isn't so bad. Sometimes I sprinkle some on yogurt or oatmeal. I am just not going to eat a bowl of it. I buy it generally in the health food store in bulk or I think it is called Bear Naked that I like. They have a few and one is "Protein". But really I eat VERY little of it.
I also think granola adds a nice crunch to yogurt, and I like sprinkling it in oatmeal too! But it can have a lot of fat in it if you are not careful. To make it healthier for you, you can try making homemade granola. There are some pretty easy recipes available online that require only a few ingredients. A personal favorite is quinoa granola from the Jillian Michaels cookbook, which you can find if you do a google search for it.
Thank you!

Yes, I actually was sent a sample of Bear Naked and love it. I eat everything in moderation so will behave! Thanks!

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