Is CTX worth the money?


I am thinking of purchasing CTX, but I'm wondering if it's worth it. I have most of Cathe's tapes and use them in my weekly workouts. Please give me your opinion.
I had the same reservations you did. I love CTX. I use the cardio a lot, since I weight train solely at the gym these days. But the cardio alone is worth it. Also, if you do the rotation as is (with weights, six days a week), I think you will find yourself being able to eat more and slimming down. I know I did. I've heard others say the same thing. And who doesn't like to eat more! :)

I have almost all of the CTX tapes and I really like them but have hesitated to do an all CTX rotation because of all of the impact in the cardio sections. But I love the short cardio workouts because they are so versatile. Often I'll do one of the cardio workouts after doing PS (upper body). I've never used it for upper body because I don't have the whole set. The ab workouts are great too. I love leaner legs. I've been pairing it with PS.

IMHO this series would be much more versatile (and worth the money) on DVD instead of VHS. In VHS, it might not be worth buying the whole set (I traded for the tapes or bought them on ebay for not much money) unless you can handle a lot of impact and would do a CTX rotation.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-02 AT 05:55PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm a bigger fan of Cathe's strength training tapes versus her cardio tapes. They are too advanced for me. As such, I just purchased the Upper Body and Leaner Legs VHS tapes. These two tapes are working well for me in my current strength rotation of PH, CTX Upper Body, and Leaner Legs.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Buy it!!!!

I had reservations about buying this. From viewing the clips on the site I was afraid it was too advanced for me. I'm glad I took the plunge because I was wrong! Everything is easily modifiable and the variety is a great boredom breaker. Besides that, I noticed I started to lean out after about 8-10 days. This is my favorite Cathe series!


I was a little surprised to see your wholehearted support on this one - I thought you were a big fan of low impact and power walking - or am I confusing you with someone else?

I've been eyeing this one also, but tend to like Cathe's strength tapes more than the cardio due to all of the high impact.

Just wondered if you could elaborate more on why you like it so much? Have I confused you with someone else?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-02 AT 06:06AM (Est)[/font][p]I'm a fan of low impact, but of high impact also. When I originally began to trumpet the benfits of low impact, our friend Donna (gettinfit@38) was experiencing a plateau, & I suggested she temporarily go to low impact to break the plateau. I got hooked on low impact when I was preparing to teach a hilo class & that's all I did for cardio for a month or so. I actually lost a couple of pounds (which is hard for me to do usually), which really suprised me.

I still do high impact(step tapes), but not as much as I used to. I would step tapes 6 days a week if I let myself, but I know it's tiring and abusive to my joints. It's for that reason that I don't like running - because it's so hard on the knees. My philosophy anymore is, "If I can exercise and not kill myself while doing it, that's the way to go." I don't really enjoy feeling like I just climbed Mount Everest after completing a tape.

So, that's why the praise for CTX....I really love those tapes, I just don't do them much anymore. It's all personal preference, and fitting your tapes to your personal goals. My goals are to keep the scale at a level point, and my pants fitting the same way every time I try them on. I love giving my daughter-in-law (23 years my junior) pants that got too BIG for me!
OMG ! Looking lean after 8-10 days, blimey ! That is brilliant. The more I hear about the CTX series, the more I like it ! Which volume, Liz do you tend to reach for time and time again ?

Thanks Anna

Joining in with the others to praise the CTX Series!!! This is a great bunch of tapes and very time efficient. You can do just the cardio part (approx. 30 minutes) and then add the strength part (approx. 10-15 minutes) later in the day if time is an issue. MY DH likes the strength sections as much as I do! Great, great series!!! (PS~The "leg" tape is all strength, no cardio and last approx. 50 minutes total. You can do this tape on a day when you have MORE time!)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Thanks for the reply; the variety of CTX makes it very tempting. The high impact is killer for me, though; do you think these tapes modify well to low impact?

I like your goals; mine are similar, although I wouldn't mind seeing a gradual shrinking in the behind/leg area! I do like to keep myself from getting bored so I will stay in shape!

An easy modification would to do the step portions on a low step. You still get a good workout even on a 4" step.
RE: Yes!

Definitely worth it. This is my first ever Cathe workout. Got the DVD last August and really enjoying it. I can feel and see that I have lost inches and have leaned out doing it. You will not regret getting it. It is really worth getting.

i really like ctx. You have the choice of doing a 30 min cardio, or combing the cardios of 2 tapes for a 60 min workout ( i do step & intervals and all step as a workout alot), and you can combine the strenght training sections too. You get alot of variety for your money (esp more KICKBOXING)

I just got mine last month, I kept hearing about Cathe on the FP forum and decided to take the plunge. I love it and have been doing it for 90% of my workouts. My cardio endurance has skyrocketed...and, I've been teaching for 10 years. IMHO, Leaner Legs is the best leg tape I've ever done (I own all the Firms/FP and many others). The defintition in my legs was always pretty good (I only teach kickboxing and body sculpting), but now I have cuts in my legs. I've been so pleased, that I pre-order the Intesity Series :) Get out that credit card!

I really love this series. Quick and efficient. Sometimes a body part a day sounds really good - especially if you use them for three weeks or so.

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