Is CTX the best thing for me?


Hey all! I got the Wedding Video from someone online and tried it for the first time today... and I LOVED it!! All I've done so far is the step section, but I really enjoyed it... it was tons of fun, and I was able to get all the moves the first time through (although my ricochet is a little uncoordinated), so I think I might actually be able to follow the choreography of some of Cathe's other videos as well with practice. The intensity was good for me too, although I only used a 4" platform and didn't do all of the power moves.

So, I've basically decided that my next big reward for finishing out my planned rotation will be a few Cathe videos. I was thinking of getting the CTX series, because I'd get a lot of fun cardio workouts and some more weight workouts to mix and match.

A little about me: I'm 5'2", 130 lbs currently, and I'd like to lose maybe 15 lbs and definitely go down a size or two on the bottom. I own quite a few FIRMs, a few random step videos (Keli Roberts Ultimate Step is my other favorite), and some yoga. I also own (and really enjoy) MIS. In weights I haven't really gone past using 5's for much of anything. I think I'm overall sort of a high-end beginner.

Anyways, I was wondering if ya'll thought the CTX would work for me in a month or two or if it will be too hard to follow or too hard to do? Are there any others that you think would be easier or more effective? I'm on sort of a budget so I can't just go hog-wild and buy them all. :)

Thanks for all your help, sorry to be so wordy.

I would recommend CTX because it does offer you variety in both step and weight work. I enjoyed it because they were my first Cathe tapes and I found when I ordered additional tapes that I already knew many of the moves.

If you don't want to do the tapes as they are there are some great rotations available on the forum.

I am currently doing PS which enables me to do a 5 day rotation of both step and weights because Cathe is such a great instructor and her vids are such fun you really will enjoy learning the moves and working out with her and her crew.

Hey Babs,
I have CTX, but I haven't used any of the cardio/step yet because I'm thinking it might serve me to learn a bunch of earlier Cathe steps first. On another thread, someone is asking if CTX is okay for them to start using the step with (as a first step workout). You mentioned that CTX was your first Cathe. Was it your first step workout, as well? Are you a quick learner on the step? How long did it take you to 'get down' one any of the workouts? Which would you consider the 'easiest' and the 'trickiest' in terms of choreography?
Curious!!! :):):)
If you already have step experience (and I kind of get the impression that you do) I think that you'll do fine with CTX, especially in light of the fact that you are enjoying learning the choreography in the wedding tape. CTX was my first exposure to Cathe's choreo, and it took me a few times to pick it up, but it wasn't that difficult. A word of warning though, these workouts are intense, but certainly modifiable (did I make up a new word?) Cathe cuts straight to the chase, as she is going for time efficiency. You won't spend time learning new moves in these videos, you may have hit rewind as you are learning. If you can deal with the above mentioned factors, I say go for it!
Thanks everyone! I've decided to go for it and get CTX. I really like that I'll be getting quite a few shorter workouts from it, because they'll suit my schedule very well. I think I can handle learning the steps quickly too, especially if I have my handy VCR remote and the rewind button. I picked up the wedding tape the first time through though, so I'm not expected to get too frustrated. I'm so excited! :)


P.S. Now my problem is... do I quit my current rotation when I get CTX or do I finish it out first? The other one was just the generic rotation from FIRM YaYa's with all my videos plugged in. It seems like CTX has been giving people really good results though. Hmm...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-02 AT 09:22AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Keller

CTX was not my first I used to do Keli Roberts Ultimate Step tape which was what got me started and then I went onto Reebok Step & Reebok The Power (I just found that I needed more of a challenge)

With CTX step I made an absolute mess the first few times I did them but then when I stopped thinking about the steps I find it better as my feet often know where to go.

I had problems with working on the "out" side of the step (Cathe divides the step into the "in" side and "out" side) because when I used Keli Roberts taped she only used the "in" side of the step. I also try not to rewind mainly because for me I forget what follows and I find it helps me to get on the right foot if I know what is coming next. That often helps me figure out the moves.

My little weird bit as I call it is that I have to know where I am meant to be like on Step Intervals when she scopes and your on the step facing away from the television I need to figure out where I should be so that I end up on the right foot.

Power Max I find very easy I did it once and thought great this is not that hard when I want an easy day I do that.

Hardest actually its not the workout that I find hard its the cool down for Step Fit with the marcreana (sorry I know this is the wrong spelling), I just can't do it, I have to put in another cool down tape.

What I often do though if a tape is really tricky I will concerntrate on that tape until I have basically go it down then I won't do it for a while I call it "Getting Step Memory" I find that when I go back to the tape my body seems to know what it should be doing.

Hope this helps.

Babs :-jumpy
Hey Amanda! Just could not resist the urge to chime in here...I'm a 'munchkin' too! I just thought is was cool that someone else has my nickname. It is my nickname at work, instead of hey, Donna, it is hey munchkin. I am a little more vertically challenged than you, only 4ft and 10 and 3/4 inches tall. I started working with Cathe tapes a little over a year ago, and I am now a very proud 113 pounds....I started at about 125 or so. I don't have that series but since everybody has convinced me dvd is the way to go, I just might be buying that one too! Take care, Donna, the other munchkin.

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