Is CTX really this tough?


I'm just starting a CTX rotation, after doing several weeks of PH/MIS, followed by a week of S & H, both rotations including miscellaneous cardio 2-3 days per week. I just finished power circuit (with added chest, since I've decided to do two body parts per day on the weights) and I felt like a wimp during the cardio! Where is my portable oxygen tank? Send in the paramedics? I was close to out of breath several times during the workout. Woah (sp? ) is me! At this rate, I should be glad I don't have my Intensity DVDs yet. I think they would "Terminate" me!
They always sneak up on me too. Like I'll say to myself 'I'll just do 10-10-10 today, it's only 25 minutes long!' Hello! It is a tough 25 minutes! And the CTX weight work fatigues me much more than PS or S&H. It must be because it mixes Strength with Endurance. You're not alone! I have been purposely trying to kick my own butt lately (doing lots of lifting and the 1st Imax 2x's per week) so that I'm ready for the Intensity DVDs. Yikes - from some of the reviews, I think The Terminator will live up to its name!

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