Is Cathe's Cardio Hits worth getting?


I have Power Max on VHS and I really like it. It has fun moves and the music is good so I was wondering how Step Fit and Step Works compare to it.

I got the Cardio Classics DVD and have only tried Step Max. The music was uninspiring and she broke down the moves so much I only made it through the first two sections before I quit out of total boredom.

I really don't want to waste my money on the DVD if Power Max is the only workout I will like on it. Any comments about Step Fit and Step Works would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I say it's definatly worth it, Step Works is one of my favorites of Cathe's and I think its the hardest one on that DVD. Step Fit is also a great deal of fun! Cathe does not break down the moves so much that it's boring in either of these workouts. She cues well, and the combinations are really fun. Not a waste of money at all!!! :)
it is DEFINITELY worth the purchase!! i love the music as well as the workout! i've never regretted buying it!

i've done step max and didn't care for it either, so i quickly traded it, but i've really enjoyed this dvd. power max is, in my opinion, the easiet one of the 3. Step fit is the longest with a short step routine that leads into a longer one. it's harder than power max. however step works, to me, is the hardest. and let me tell you...she's got 3 step routines and just when you think the 2nd routine is gonna end she slaps you in the face and adds a "surprise!" of course, i LOVE the surprise now, but HATED it in the beginning.

i really think you'll like this one and won't regret getting it, especially if you like power max! :7
I have to agree with the others, although I think Step Fit is the easiest of the three, but to me, had the best music. Definitely not a waste of money!

:) Stacy

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