Is bootcamp for me?


Active Member
I consider myself at the intermediate level as far as my workouts go. I just recently purchased Cathe's Bootcamp video. For those that are advanced or intermediate, do you think I will be able to get through Bootcamp or should I hold on to it until I am a little more advanced?

It is a tough workout but don't put it on the shelf. Preview it and figure out ahead of time, how you will modify the cardio moves if you find you need to modify them and how much weight you will start with for each of the weight bearing moves. Then go for the whole workout, modifying where and when you need to make it less intense. Before you know it, you will be going full throttle.
i LOVE LOVE LOVE bootcamp! don't be afraid of it! i was cuz of all the posts about how hard it it.... but once i did it.. i fell in love.. it's tough.. but now as hard as everyone makes it out to be!
I will go and preview it to see where I may need to modify. I am very excited to try it because I do like to challege myself. I just want to thank the both of you for all the encouragement.

You'll probably be surprised at how well you'll do! Just modify where needed! This is an absolutely wonderful workout and you'll be glad you did it! :)

I think BC is one of the most motivating workouts, it's the one I often reach for when I don't feel like working out! The moves are so fun, and you can adjust the weight if you're not high on energy. Because each move is only a minute, it doesn't feel as demanding to me as some other workouts. I must say, though I add weight to the leg presses, I use only a 6 lb medicine ball for the core section since I am a little concerned about adding bulk in that area.
It is awesome.One of my favorites.Some exercises of the core sections are difficult but you can do modifications. It is a challenge especially those terminator climers.Five stars for me.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie
I just started bootcamp a few weeks ago and love it! At first, I modified and coud not always make it through each section. Today was the first day I made it through the whole thing with no modifications (aside from the weights, I don't go as heavy). Each section is only a minute and there is a little burst in the music when each section is about to end. I live for that sound!
BTW, I call this "Booty" Camo, because the first few times I did it, my booty was hurting the next day!
Give it a try!
Aren't there lots of push ups in this one? I *HATE* push ups of any kind with a passion, and have been considering this one but if it's loaded with push ups, I'm going to have to pass. TIA!
It has some pushups, but I wouldn't say it's loaded. The chest work is a set of pushups for one minute, at varying tempos. And then one of the core sequences has a few pyramind pushups in it, you do a pushup, then a downward dog, then a pushup. Maybe 8 of them?
And if you don't want to do the push ups, then modify it as I do to barbell chest presses or dumbell chest flyes. It's as near as dammit'!!


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