Is 50 too old to start?


Hi, I am going to buy the new beginners' dvds. I was just wondering, am I too old to set my sights on working up to your advanced dvds, eventually? I have about 40 lbs. to lose, and I guess most of your followers here seem young and fit. What advice do you have for this old girl in the group? JoAnn
I'm not Cathe, but as she's "only" 40 (last month I believe?), so let me take a crack at this one...

I turned 52 back at the end of April, JoAnn. I had worked out off and on for years. The last time I got on the exercise wagon was back in late December 2002, when I was 49 and facing the big 5-0:) I was over 200# and my doctor told me we don't have to grow old. Now I think she's a few years older than me, but she could easily be the same number of years younger...but I took her words to heart and started working out again and watching what I ate. Another reason? I learned that while osteoporosis does NOT run in my mom's family, Type II Diabetes does...big time. I had to do something...

The biggest hurdle was learning to workout after work, when everyone is home and could be distracting me. I eventually took over our younger DD's old room (she got married), another DD explained to her dad why Mom needed to exercise and not be interrupted just to discuss what's on the news. I've since dropped over 60#, gone down from XL's and 20's to Smalls and size 10's. I started off fairly easy, though having an active job and having worked out a lot while younger, I made good progress. Now I can manage Cathe's Intensity series and love her Body Blasts. And her Pure Strength's, Slow & name it. The Imaxes still scare me:)

So no, NO, NO! It's not too late! 50 is NOT to old to start!!! You have done the right thing by starting off with her beginners' dvds and will be amazed at how quickly you outgrow those...or not:) That will mean spending more $$$ on the more advanced stuff, but you'll be able to do them and even have quite a few favorites.

Welcome to Cathe, JoAnn!!!! (Sorry this was so long:))
Hi JqAnn,
I'm 51 and have worked out consistently for 25 years. Been doing Cathe for about 4 years I think. I do Cathe's advanced workouts with some modifications. (I don't do tuck jumps...I do plyos instead...stuff like that)I'm in the best shape of my adult life right now all thanks to Cathe. I LOVE HER!! I would start with her beginner workouts and SLOWLY ease into the advanced stuff. Her weight work is awesome. I love the Pyramids and MuscleMax. IMAX2 and KPC are also awesome but are very advanced.
I wouldn't say most of her followers are young and fit. There are quiet a few "older" Cathe followers on the YaYa forum. And probably here too.
But be warned....once you order anything Cathe hide your credit card!! You will want all the DVDs!!!:7
Good Luck!!
50 is NOT too old! As the others said, start with the beginner and work'll be surprised how quickly you'll improve and move on to the next level!

Another 50 year old here! 50, fit and fine! :)

Anyother Oldie weighing here - I started Cathe cardio when I was 50, and am still doing them at nearly 56! I do everything she throws at us with very little modification, and I'm looking forward to her new stuff that I preordered. So I am an "older and fit" follower. Don't let age get in the way, Chickie-Poo! You're doing right by working into it with the beginner level DVD's. Have fun, and be ready to get hooked!
Just Do It! :)
Dear JoAnn,
It's never too late to start taking care of your body. I am 53 and have been working out steadily for about 12 years. Don't remember when I started with Cathe videos-but I am hooked. Can't do anyone elses workouts. I am in the best shape of my life and loving it.
Good luck to you!

I just love reading posts like this! At 43 1/2, I'm not far behind and you all are such an inspiration!
I am 49 and have been doing Cathes workouts for about 2 years. Go for it… you will be glad you did. :)
Soon to be 51 here and I have been doing Cathe workouts for over three years and hardly ever modify. As long as you remain consistent, you will be amazed at how quickly you will get into shape.

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