Iron Supplement


I went for a physical and everything came back good, but I was anemic and iron supplements were reccommended. Is anyone taking iron and if so, what's up with bowel movement color? Sorry if it's TMI.
I had to take iron when I was perimenopausal with heavy, heavy, periods (talk about tmi :eek:) Now that I'm post menopausal, my levels are normal without the supplements. And yea, they do cause things to...ahem..come out very dark. I have no clue why.
I'm not sure which one you're taking, but try Ferrous Gluconate- much easier on the body. And remember to eat or take iron with Vitamin C- it improves the absorption.
I've just started eating Farina (same as Cream of Wheat). It has 50% of the iron you need a day, with only 120 calories. It helps that I like the taste, too!
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Morningstar: Thanks for the Vitamin C tip. I had no idea.

TeTe: Can I buy Farina at the local grocery store?

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