Iron Supplement -


Is it good to take a Iron Supplement?
I work out between 5 & 6 days a week, my diet isn't the best, but I am working on that.

I currently take;
One a Day Energy - MultiVitamin
Vitamin C

It seems like I have no energy some days.

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Are you a vegetarian? Do you eat much red meat? Many women make the mistake of cutting out red meat entirely, & women need the iron & other minerals in red meat more than men do b/c of TTOM.

So if you don't eat red meat, I'd suggest you incorporate it into your diet (maybe one or two servings a week), or definitely start taking the supplement.
I would sugest you have your doctor take a blood sample to test your iron levels to see if you are anemic. Not good to take too much iron if it is not needed. Iron suppliments can be pretty nasty on the system let me tell you! I try to eat a lot of iron rich foods to ump up my iron instead. You can also try cooking in a cast iron pan, iron will seep into your foods as you cook. And if you are a beer lover try a Guinnes (lot's of iron in it) twice a week. My doctor told me to do this when i was living in England, as the suppliments... we were not getting along so well. If your blood test conferms that you are anemic or on the low side of iron levels... then you will need to find ways to add healthy iron to your diet. Rare steak, chicken and turkey (brown meat), dried beans, clams and scallops, almonds, dried apricots and peaches, spinach, green peas and some cereals and grains, eggs have a bit too i think....etc. The average person needs about 10 - 18 mg of iron a day if i remember this right.
Unless you are tested and your doctor tells you your Iron levels are low I would not take a supplement. Most people do not have any trouble getting enough Iron in their diet and too much can be toxic.
I take an iron supplement, but I am a regular blood donor and have been slightly anemic in the past. In fact, donating blood is a great way of having a free screen for anemia, and if you aren't anemic and are able to give, it's a great gift of life. OK, end of commercial.
Men who give blood have a 30% less chance of heart attacks. Men do not need extra iron and when they give blood it lowers their blood iron level. It's a gift of life for the giver and the givee!

I am a regular blood/platelet donor and my iron levels actually went UP when I cut out red meat (and white; I only eat fish now). So it's got to be personal needs, likely something you and your doctor will have to figure out!;)
I agree that before you start a supplement, you should have a blood panel done. Depending on your age (post-menopausal women have higher iron levels due to lack of menstruation) or genetic disorders (some people have a condition where they hold onto too much iron...hemochromatosis) you may not need to worry. Most people have enough iron as it is. Iron is stored for a long time in the body and most don't need supplementation.

Too much iron can damage the liver. Talk to your family doc.

2nd year med student

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