Intuitive Eating Check'm in 4/08-14

Wow, so the responses last week were so helpful. I have to get back to work right now but I wanted to set up the new check-in and say how much your comments mean to me.

I forgot to check what the next stage was before writing this and will be sure to post it later. I believe it deals with emotional eating so I will be focusing on that this week and eating until full.

How's everyone doing? Here's an informal poll...

What part of the book made you really go "That's what I do!" and what was your reaction to their suggestion?
I can't remember the next part of the book either, but I do remember myself saying, "That's me!" or "That's what I do!" on just about every page! This weekend was awesome for me! No binging (I had binged every day for 2 weeks straight). I feel like I have eaten clean for a long time but it has only been 3 days! I just really took to heart what everyone said in last week's check-in. Instead of beating myself up for having 2 cookies and eating the whole bag because I thought I had 'messd up.' I just allowed myself to eat the cookies WHEN I WAS HUNGRY! and not obsess about them later. Thanks to everyone who was involved with last weeks check in! How is everyone else doing?
Ugh ..

I am SOOO frustrated!! :-mad

I can't seem to get beyond my 'weekend mini-binges'!! Every weekend (never during the week though) for the last month, I end up getting together with friends, where I'll have a cocktail or two, and then I end up on a 'munch fest'!! I don't eat TONS of food .. I'm more disturbed by not honoring my true hunger, and giving into to my 'taste hunger'. I can't say I'm jazzed about not drinking at all .. it's nice to unwind after a long week and enjoy a drink with friends .. but how in the world do I overcome this?!?! It's driving me NUTS!!!
me too!! I'm exactly the same. On the weekend, starting with Friday night, I always want to give in to my food cravings of chocolate or potatoes chips. I wish I could just do it for one evening, say Friday night, then go back to eating clean on Saturday and Sunday, as I seem to be able to manage it for the entire week, but I never can stick with it on the weekend and I don't know why? I wonder if there is an answer? I have not read the book Intuitive Eating, but it was suggested to me that I should, so I will try to find it at the Library.
Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to think of a certain part of the book that made me say, "That's what I do", but as has been said, I think it's the whole book. Oh! I know. It's the "one last diet" syndrome. I always am tempted to go on "one last diet", and THEN start eating intuitively, rather than just starting right now. But, fortunately, I haven't gone on that one last diet. I have to remind myself that none of my weight has EVER stayed off, and that there's nothing wrong with the way I look now, or my health.

About the letting loose on the weekends...this past weekend was the first in a while when I actually ate LESS than I did during the week. I credit that with honoring my hunger during the week, so I didn't have that build-up of deprivation that made me want to let loose on the weekends. And I used to want to semi-binge after a few drinks, but I also experienced some other difficulties due to drinking (including a family history of alcoholism) that led me to quit altogether, but my problems with alcohol sound a bit more severe than the problems being mentioned on this thread.

Anyway, last week was a pretty good week. Things are getting better!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Holly :)
weekend eating

Hollycat - Oh yeah, the last diet syndrome is so me too. I also am tempted to think that eating intuitively might be easier when I'm at my "goal" weight. But after my most recent diet I am so convinced that dieting just does not work for me. My calories were so low and it just did not work. For me I think moderate eating and frequent, moderate exercise with some intense boughts thrown in (mostly for fun ;) ) are the only way to go. Eating whatever the heck I want when I'm hungry seems to have taken care of eating what I want when I'm not hungry. Of course, I don't know if I'd be able to eat less cals if I chose foods that were more filling, or if I'm eating too much, but heck who knows.

Alright, who was it that said made the connection between perfectionism and this problem????? I think my wacked relationship with food and the intense efforts at losing weight and dieting are one of the first things that really made me aware of my perfectionist tendancies. I used to actually think I was laid back and easy going. Ha! Funny. I think focusing on anti-perfectionism helps with self-acceptance and dieting mentality.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Niclyf - Maybe try binging more during the week :) Actually, I'm a bit serious. Maybe you don't give yourself enough fun or pleasure during the week and feel the need to cram it all in on the weekend. Perhaps if you worked in some treats (food or otherwise) during the week the weekend would come and yeah, you'd have a drink or two and a munchie, but it would be no biggie. Maybe? Hang in there girl, and know that we're all rooting for you and sending hugs.

Hi Gang,

I'm starting to feel heavier these days and I think the poor eating habits are starting to catch up with me. I'm becoming more aware of my belly and it just feels all bloated. I'll try to take this as just a sign of overfullness. I know that work stress has been messing with my sleep and my worry about having time to exercise.

Hey Jen! Know what you mean - My stomach feels as bloated as my big green exercise ball today. Last week was great for me - I successfully treated food and exercise as 2 seperate entities, both to be enjoyed in their right. Gosh, I even put granola on top of my yogurt and enjoyed every spoon of it! However, right now, I feel a bit stressed out by my carefree attitude - like I will pay for it with a massive weight gain or something. But I have to say that for a moment last weekend, I felt almost liberated from this cycle of dieting and exercising. I actually spoilt myself in small ways by taking time to make my meals tasty, having a few extra snacks when I was hungry, had my hair done and even bought clothes in my size (normally I wear stuff that is way too large for me in order to hide my shape). Today the scale says 117lbs and I feel panic again. But I am determined not to cut down on my food again or start doing a huge amount of cardio. I have decided that I would rather be healthy with enough energy to enjoy life rather than be so shattered all the time that I can't even appreciate being thin.

So hang in there girl - We can't be expected to exercise everyday and eat right all the time. Besides if you did that, your body would get used to it (atleast that is what I tell myself). Just exercise when you get the time and eat well (not less!). There is no way either your belly or mine could have grown. It is probably just all in our minds. Stick to the moderation principle and everything will balance out.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! prfitness, that was just what I needed to hear. You're right. I'll chill and keep up with nurishing myself and balance. Thank you!

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