Intuitive Eating Checkin 4/15

Hi Everyone!

I'm a day late on the check-in so I'll just have to be extra intuitive today to make up for it. ;)

Right now is a tricky stage of the IE because it's the point of integrating some healthy choices though never depriving myself. One thing I did which has helped alot and was suggested in IE is to dress as you were accostomed to or would expect to when thin. I was doing the baggy, shape-hiding clothes things and now I'm back to the more tailored/sharp look I like and makes me feel good. Superficial, but I definitely take the blows of my stressful work better when I feel put together.

How is everyone?? Enjoying warm weather?
Hi! Well, this past week has been the best yet, I think, as far as honoring hunger goes. It's still a little hard for me to find that "last-bite limit" or whatever. It's hard to stop eating before I'm full. Especially at night, when I usually get the munchies. I guess I haven't really figured out what "satisfied" is to me yet. But, it feels like summer here so I've been craving light things, like fruit, fresh vegetables, and yogurt. So this is good. I never really wanted to eat heavy, fattening things all the time, but now I'm definitely liking the healthier stuff.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Take care.

I did just that today! I wore summer clothes to work instead of my usual layers and baggy attire! I have eaten cleaner today too! I am having problems with the last bite limit as well. And if I have one treat, I ALMOST ALWYAYS go full force into a binge. It's that darn all-or-nothing thinking again! I hate it! Here's wishing everyone has a great week!
Hey everyone - summer is definitely lifting my spirits (no more trying to get warm all the time!) I did some work in the yard and I realised how great it is to have good levels of energy to enjoy the small things in life. I too have bought myself summer clothes in a size 4 (rather than one size up) and am making an effort to feel proud of my body. I am really having difficulty with my apetite though. It seems to want to eat everything in sight. I am trying not to weigh myself as I am definitely gaining muscle but its hard.

Anyways thought I would share a tip on how you can stop eating when you are full. Its from a book by Dr. Bob Arnot. He suggests eating a pure protein (without combining it with carbs.)15 mins before your meal. He says you should then follow it with your main meal which contains a protein and carb combination. The logic is that proteins are very filling and we rarely eat them in isolation or wait long enough to actually enjoy their satiating power. I have tried it by preceding my meal with skim milk, cottage cheese or yogurt and it has worked somewhat. I eat more slowly (with less hunger and therefore more control) and I also don't reach for as many carbs at each meal as I used to.

I've also been using a cookbook called 'The Healthy Kitchen' by Andrew Weil and Rosie Daley. There are some good clean eating recipes in there. I've been trying them out on friends and family and the whole process is teaching me to make peace with food again.

Have a great week!!!

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