Intoduce myself


Hello All! I am new here I have been working out to Cathe for 3 weeks now. I absolutely love it. My name is beth and I have not been able to find her dvd's in stores but I have been able to tape them from FIT TV but it is hard to keep searching for them when I want to do them SO Help me out here where are the best deals? I see on Ebay everyone bids on these. And forgive my ignorance but I see alot of abbreviations in your posts could someone send me a list what they stand for when using her exercises. I have 5 year old twin girls that just went off to full time kindergarten and a almost 2 year old boy. I came from working out to Denise Austin for 5 years I wanted a big change and I got it with Cathe I am 34 and This is the first and only forum I have signed up for I am so excited to learn so much from you and Cathe. Look forward to chatting and posting.

Thanks Beth6395
Hi Beth,
Welcome to the forum. It is a good source for information and there are a lot knowledgable people here.

Here is a link to the abbreviations:

Total Body Weight Workouts
>1. How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding- the wedding tape
>2. Push Pull- PP
>3. Supersets- SS
>4. Power Hour- PH
>5. Maximum Intensity Strength- MIS
>6. Muscle Endurance- ME
>7. Muscle Max- MM
>8. Stretch Max- SM
>Upper Body Workouts
>1. Basic Step Upper Body section- BS
>2. Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs- PSS-BB (BBA or BB&A)
>3. Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps- PSS-CST
>4. CTX Upper body- CTX UB
>5. Slow and Heavy Chest and Back- SH CB
>6. Slow and Heavy Biceps and Triceps- SH BT
>7. Slow and Heavy Shoulders- SH LS
>8. Pyramid Upper Body- PUB
>9. Gym Style Chest and Triceps- GS CT
>0. Gym Style Back, Bicep, and shoulders- GS BBS
>Lower Body Workouts
>1. Basic Step (Lower Body)- BS LB
>2. Slow and Heavy Legs- SH LS
>3. Pure Strength Legs and Abs- PSL (PSLA or PSS LA)
>4. Pyramid Lower Body- PLB
>5. Legs and Glutes- LG
>6. Leaner Legs- LL
>7. Gym Style Legs- GSL
>Step Cardio (where step cardio is the dominate feature in the
>1. Basic Step- BS
>2. How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding-wedding tape
>3. Step N Motion SNM
>4. Step Heat- SH
>5. Step Jam- SJ
>6. Mega Step Blast- MSB
>7. Step Max- SM
>8. All Step- CTX AS
>9. Step Fit- SF
>10. Power Max- PM
>11. Rhythmic Step- RS
>12. Step Works- SW
>13. Step Blast- SB
>Other Cardio (where step in NOT the dominate form of cardio)
>1. CTX Kickbox- CTX KB
>2. 10*10*10- CTX 101010
>3. Cardio Kicks- CK
>4. Kick Punch & Crunch- KPC
>5. Maximum Intensity Cardio- MIC
>6. Kick Max- KM
>Circuit Workouts
>1. Body Fusion- BF
>2. High Step Circuit- HSC
>3. Cardio and Weights- C&W
>4. Power Circuit- CTX PC
>5. Step, Jump, & Pump- SJP
>6. Circuit Max- CM
>7. High Step Training Advanced- HSTA
>8. Body Max- BM
>9. Bootcamp- BC
>0. High Step Challenge- HSCh
>Interval Cardio
>1. Step and Intervals- CTX SI or S&I
>2. IMAX2- (same)
>3. IMAX- (same)
>4. IMAX3- (same)
>5. Low Max- LM (Lomax)

>Compilation DVD's
>1. Timesaver- TS
>2. The Terminator- (there is no substitute for this powerhouse
>3. HardCore Extreme- HCE or HCex or HCX (don't know what is sticking)

>1. Ab Hits- (same)
>2. Core Max- CM (can add abs in order to avoid circuit max confusion)

and there is also a good rating system here:

Can you tell I have a few things bookmarked myself :)
As for the best place to get cathe videos. I started like you recording off of fit tv. Some of her beginner workouts are avaiable at target and walmart but I prefer to order here off her site or from for the longer more advanced workouts.
Here they do have a guarentee and they are quite expensive everywhere. I know there has been some problems with ebay and pirating and the prices still get very high there so its really up to you. Good luck and welcome.

Beth, Cathe's workouts are not available in stores (except I think Coremax and Stretchmax are available in the Discovery store). So, you will need to buy them from here or from Collage.

Stuff comes up on ebay, but the prices get driven up really fast and with shipping, there is usually little money saved. There have been issues with pirated copies there, so your best bet is to support Cathe here. :)

Welcome, and enjoy! Cathe rocks!

Hi Beth,you can also go to where they have a video exchange listing.It's a great way to trade workouts you don't use anymore.I just mailed off two workouts I didn't like for Cathe's IMAX 3,a pretty good deal for $1.90 in postage,don't you think.
Have fun, Karen
Oh, I realized after I posted my response that Cathe does sell some vid's in store in conjunction with The Step products. You can find these at Walmart or Target.

Good luck!

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