Hi Beth,
Welcome to the forum. It is a good source for information and there are a lot knowledgable people here.
Here is a link to the abbreviations:
Total Body Weight Workouts
>1. How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding- the wedding tape
>2. Push Pull- PP
>3. Supersets- SS
>4. Power Hour- PH
>5. Maximum Intensity Strength- MIS
>6. Muscle Endurance- ME
>7. Muscle Max- MM
>8. Stretch Max- SM
>Upper Body Workouts
>1. Basic Step Upper Body section- BS
>2. Pure Strength Back, Biceps, and Abs- PSS-BB (BBA or BB&A)
>3. Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps- PSS-CST
>4. CTX Upper body- CTX UB
>5. Slow and Heavy Chest and Back- SH CB
>6. Slow and Heavy Biceps and Triceps- SH BT
>7. Slow and Heavy Shoulders- SH LS
>8. Pyramid Upper Body- PUB
>9. Gym Style Chest and Triceps- GS CT
>0. Gym Style Back, Bicep, and shoulders- GS BBS
>Lower Body Workouts
>1. Basic Step (Lower Body)- BS LB
>2. Slow and Heavy Legs- SH LS
>3. Pure Strength Legs and Abs- PSL (PSLA or PSS LA)
>4. Pyramid Lower Body- PLB
>5. Legs and Glutes- LG
>6. Leaner Legs- LL
>7. Gym Style Legs- GSL
>Step Cardio (where step cardio is the dominate feature in the
>1. Basic Step- BS
>2. How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding-wedding tape
>3. Step N Motion SNM
>4. Step Heat- SH
>5. Step Jam- SJ
>6. Mega Step Blast- MSB
>7. Step Max- SM
>8. All Step- CTX AS
>9. Step Fit- SF
>10. Power Max- PM
>11. Rhythmic Step- RS
>12. Step Works- SW
>13. Step Blast- SB
>Other Cardio (where step in NOT the dominate form of cardio)
>1. CTX Kickbox- CTX KB
>2. 10*10*10- CTX 101010
>3. Cardio Kicks- CK
>4. Kick Punch & Crunch- KPC
>5. Maximum Intensity Cardio- MIC
>6. Kick Max- KM
>Circuit Workouts
>1. Body Fusion- BF
>2. High Step Circuit- HSC
>3. Cardio and Weights- C&W
>4. Power Circuit- CTX PC
>5. Step, Jump, & Pump- SJP
>6. Circuit Max- CM
>7. High Step Training Advanced- HSTA
>8. Body Max- BM
>9. Bootcamp- BC
>0. High Step Challenge- HSCh
>Interval Cardio
>1. Step and Intervals- CTX SI or S&I
>2. IMAX2- (same)
>3. IMAX- (same)
>4. IMAX3- (same)
>5. Low Max- LM (Lomax)
>Compilation DVD's
>1. Timesaver- TS
>2. The Terminator- (there is no substitute for this powerhouse
>3. HardCore Extreme- HCE or HCex or HCX (don't know what is sticking)
>1. Ab Hits- (same)
>2. Core Max- CM (can add abs in order to avoid circuit max confusion)
and there is also a good rating system here:
Can you tell I have a few things bookmarked myself
As for the best place to get cathe videos. I started like you recording off of fit tv. Some of her beginner workouts are avaiable at target and walmart but I prefer to order here off her site or from
http://www.collagevideo.com/ for the longer more advanced workouts.
Here they do have a guarentee and they are quite expensive everywhere. I know there has been some problems with ebay and pirating and the prices still get very high there so its really up to you. Good luck and welcome.