Interval Max VS. Intense Moves



I was wondering how Cathe's Interval Max compares to Gin Miller's Intense Moves? In general I think that Gin Miller's tapes are pretty easy. Intense Moves is challenging for me though. Is Interval Max really hard compared to Intense Moves? I'm sure the choreography is definately more challenging on Interval Max. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated!

I find both videos a good workout. Cathe's seems more of an endurance workout because of the 13 minutes of regular power step aerobics that precedes the interval sections. This, and of course, more choreography (not difficult by Cathe standards) is the main difference between the two videos. Some of Cathe's intervals are great (such as the last one (involving both tuck jumps and flying jacks) and the one that involves jumping with both feet together onto the bench, stepping off and jumping from side to side with both feet together (hard to describe). Others were slightly less intense than expected, such as the ones where you jump from side to side with only one leg at a time. Cathe also has a recovery section after each interval where you just step side to side on the floor. This recovery is less consistent with Gin's tape. Overall, I'd say that Cathe's tape involves more endurance but is not much more difficult than Intense Moves. This of course, assumes that you do Intense Moves at the hardest variation always. Intervalmax does not usually show an easier version.

Irene (interval training nut)
I think Interval Max is harder!

I love both tapes. They are really great workouts. I would agree with Irene in that Interval Max is longer and tests your endurance more. The intervals seem longer too. I guess it's because there isn't any time chart on the screen to watch to know how much more you have to keep going. I really like that about Intense Moves. Intense Moves gives you options in the intervals. Interval Max gives you options if you get too tired but I swear those options are pretty challenging too! The choreography is not hard on Interval Max either. It's pretty basic so you can concentrate on the athletic moves. However, my overall feeling is that Interval Max is defintely more challenging than Intense Moves. It's longer, has tougher intervals but still manages to be fun!
No Comparison for Me

I had Interval Max first, and just got Intense Moves. On a scale of 1 to 10 for intensity and 'toughness', I'd give IMax a 10 and Intense Moves about a 6-7. As Irene and Joyce said, Gin's intervals aren't as long and I don't think the moves are as difficult. There is no way I would ever even attempt to do some of the IMax moves - I'd actually die! I do Intense Moves on days when I feel like a more intermediate interval workout. I never get totally wiped out from Intense Moves. I sometimes also modify IMax, depending on my energy level that day. I did it this morning in fact and, since it was 5 AM I didn't have much energy, I took the intensity level down quite a bit. It was very easy to modify the interval work (even more than I normally do) and I was still in my target heart rate zone (I'm usually off the charts with Interval Max). This is my opinion only. I know there are lots of people who feel the two videos are very comparable.
I Had A Feeling....

Thanks for all of the input. I had a feeling that IntervalMax would be harder than Intense Moves. Today I did Energy Sprint with Karen Voight for the first time in about 8 months or so. It actually seemed EASY to me!!!!!!! I guess BODYMAX has really helped me improve my fitness. I'm so thankful for all of the motivation I get from you all.

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