Interval ? for Cathe or Educated Crowd


I hope this isn't a repeat question. I searched the threads and didn't see anything like it so I hope it's new.

When I was running a lot a couple of years ago, I did interval training to help with my speed. At that time I was coached that interval training should last about 2-3 months and only be done a couple of times a year.

I love Interval Max and did it once a week for two months. The increase in my cardio capacity was stupendous (thank you Cathe!!). Relying on the logic of my previous coaching, about a month ago I took IM out of my rotation. But I really, really miss it and wonder if I've lost the cardio gains that I made.

Your advice is always to listen to your body and my body is telling me it wants to do Interval Max. All else being equal, could you see any reason it couldn't stay as a part of my regular routine?

Cathe, I know you are insanely busy right now so if you have a chance to answer - great! If not, I'm sure someone from the Educated Crowd can help.

And, since this is my first time posting an "Ask Cathe" question, I want add my voice to the chorus singing your praises. You make a positive difference in our lives every single day - it's about more than exercise - it's about enjoying and appreciating the present and looking forward to the future (especially the new videos!). Thank you, thank you.

Hi Janet!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-00 AT 09:24AM (EST)</font></center>

My recommendation for doing Interval Max is one time per week (two times as an absolute maximum per week)and putting a few days between interval workouts. I actually go into further detail on this in a post that I replied to a long while back. I will give you the information of how to retrieve this post so that you can read it but first let me just say that if your body is telling you that it wants to do Interval Max than I say go ahead and put it in your rotation one time per week(or once every other week if you want to incorporate a compromise with your coaches thoughts). You are obviously enjoying it and that is one of the most important ingredients in a successful fitness program. So I wouldn't deny your body a "healthy craving".

Its when you wake up dreading to do a workout, or push yourself to do a workout when your body is begging for rest, or simply ignore your body's needs for some down time, that you begin to run into trouble.

Okay, here is how to operate the search feature so that you can read my detailed response to the interval training post from 9 months ago.

Simply click on the flashlight icon(find)that is featured at the top of the main page of this forum(its up there with all of the other icons). Then type in the key words: interval training. Then it asks which forum to search. Select "Ask Cathe". Then it asks which field to search. Select "all fields". Then it asks how far back to search. Select "in the last year". Then IGNORE the archive option. Simply click on SEARCH NOW. It will take a moment or so to load and then a list of threads will appear that are related to this interval training topic. Scroll down to the NOVEMBER 1st listing ---Interval Training-How much is too much--by Anne L. Click on that and your good to go. I respond to Anne, as well as to some others, but please read the one to Anne specifically. Have Fun!
Thanks Cathe!

I do so appreciate that with all the demands on your schedule you took the time to not only answer my fitness question so thoroughly, but also had pity on my obviously marginal internet navigation skills. I'll head to the thread right now!

Interval Max goes back into the rotation - yipee! And, thanks to your talent and dedication, since I've been doing your videos I have yet to have the feeling of dreading a workout. In fact, it's almost shamefully the opposite. My very patient husband is getting used to his dinner hour getting pushed back so I can fit in "..just one more section for shoulders, then I'll be finished dear, I PROMISE."

Thanks for the genuine care and concern you show to us.


I'll feel like really hot stuff when I get the smilies down!
Oops, read it wrong

I first read..."did interval training with the help of speed :(. " Some days, I feel it would help me get through my workouts LOL!
Thanks for the giggle Donna

What I should have said was " with my LACK OF speed." It would have been much more descriptive. :)

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