Interstim device for bladders


I am 26 years old and have had bladder problems for many years now. When I was 21 I was told I have interstitial cystitis and urgency-frequency. I am now on three different medications and have been on many in the past but nothing has worked. My urologist said that if these drugs don't work then I might need to look at this device called the Medtronic interstim therapy device. I am wondering if anyone has this or know of anyone with this. I just want to know how it has worked for other people. It will be a while until I know if these meds are working or not but I just wanted some info so that I know what I may be facing later. Thanks.

Hi Toni,

I too have suffered with interstitial cystitis for about 30 years. My diagnosis did not come til about 5 years ago. Along with this (which is common) I also have vulvodynia. I have had 6 or so rounds of the bladder cocktails which is injected by catheter in the bladder to help with pain and discomfort. I currently take Elmiron 3 times a day and I also take Tramadol when the discomfort gets really bad.
I have been seen by many, many doctors, but the urogynecologist I now see has helped me tremendously. He also recommended the interstim device about a year ago, but I've been helped by the medication to a degree. I have flare-ups that are extremely uncomfortable, then I consider the device, but keep putting the idea off.
He did say he would give me names of women who have had the device put in to hear if they've had success or not. If I were you, I would give the meds time. If you're taking Elmiron, it can take months to start working. And if you haven't tried the bladder irrigation or "cocktail", I would definitely give it a try. I've suffered with this so long, my life doesn't seem right if I'm not dealing with some sort of pressure or pain in that area. Although, I am better then I was.
I hope you feel better before you have to resort to that, but in the meantime, ask your doctor for some referrals of women to talk to. Wish I could have been more help, believe me, I know how you feel.
Take good care of yourself, God has carried me this far. He will you too.
Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it. In the past I have taken Elavil, Ditropan, Detrol, and there is one I'm missing. Then I went off everything because they were either not working or so that I could start having kids. Now that the kids part is over I finally went to see a urologist again. Right now I am on Detrol LA, Tagamet, and Elmiron (3x day also). As you said, my doctor said the Elmiron can take up to 6 months to show any relief. I have never gotten the "cocktails" though I have read about them. A few years ago I got the hydrodistention and dilitation but that didn't do anything. If these drugs and other things don't work I really might look into the Interstim device. I have been researching it online and got some of the information from the company but it would be nice to talk to some people who actually got it put in. My doctor said that the people he's put it in have gotten great results. I am so tired of all the pain and not being able to do the things I want to do in life. I am only 26 and my bladder runs my life. I have to always be near a bathroom, I can't go for long walks or runs, I have to stop at least 3 times during a workout to use the bathroom, and it affects my marriage because I can't be spontaneous. I just hope that I can find some relief sometime so I can live life to the fullest. Good luck to you too and I wish you the best. Thanks again.

I have bladder issues as well -- and I would recommend checking out the IC network online. It's They've got some great articles and tons of forums. I've gotten very useful info from that site.

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