K...I just had a big rant I had this girl who contacted me from the baby boards a while back b/c we were due the same day and she wanted to keep in touch with someone who was going through the same things as she. It didn't take long for me to realize her life was a complete disaster! She had 4 kids, all taken from her, (for 2 different men) preggo again, kicked out of her apt, bf getting stabbed, social services cut off...etc...I don't hear from her in ages and she contacts me a couple of days ago saying that she is living with her sister and babysitting for people across the st. Her BIL wanted her out of the house so the people across the st said she could live with them. I didn't think the people on Jerry Springer were real but the more I talk to her, the more I realize they ARE! So now she thinks she might be pregnant again for the guy she just had the baby for, who she is not with anymore, and if she isn't then she probably will be soon b/c she is sleeping with the guy she is babysitting for while is GF is at work. What a zoo! Anyway, completey told her off and hoping never to hear from her again. If I do it will probably be a big F-You. What a weirdo! Had to rant cause I can't believe half of the things she wrote me!!! I the only person who get weirdos contacing them through the internet? Why do I attract such stranger people? LOL I the only person who get weirdos contacing them through the internet? Why do I attract such stranger people? LOL