Internet Weirdo's


K...I just had a big rant:) I had this girl who contacted me from the baby boards a while back b/c we were due the same day and she wanted to keep in touch with someone who was going through the same things as she. It didn't take long for me to realize her life was a complete disaster! She had 4 kids, all taken from her, (for 2 different men) preggo again, kicked out of her apt, bf getting stabbed, social services cut off...etc...I don't hear from her in ages and she contacts me a couple of days ago saying that she is living with her sister and babysitting for people across the st. Her BIL wanted her out of the house so the people across the st said she could live with them. I didn't think the people on Jerry Springer were real but the more I talk to her, the more I realize they ARE! So now she thinks she might be pregnant again for the guy she just had the baby for, who she is not with anymore, and if she isn't then she probably will be soon b/c she is sleeping with the guy she is babysitting for while is GF is at work. What a zoo! Anyway, completey told her off and hoping never to hear from her again. If I do it will probably be a big F-You. What a weirdo! Had to rant cause I can't believe half of the things she wrote me!!! I the only person who get weirdos contacing them through the internet? Why do I attract such stranger people? LOL
either a big liar or some of the ghetto rats that live around here. but no i attrach some weirdos myself. on myspace i keep getting a girl from north carolina that wants me to sign up to another website b/c she wants me to see nekkid pics of her. EEEWWW!!!just b/c i said i was open-minded doesn't mean i wanted to try out the other side of fence.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I tried online dating, and yep, found a few weirdo-s there. :)
But, I also found one very, very, very wonderful person. :)

Guess the internet is a great democrat-izing machine. Brings all types in contact with each other, who wouldn't otherwise have contact. But it does make you go 'ewww' sometimes, too........
I do not trust the Internet-the chat rooms and all that. In fact, this is the only board I have ever participated in, all that myspace stuff is just TMI for me. I tend to be pretty private, and had to really think about posting here. I lurked for awhile, and now you can't stop me from posting!
But I loved most of the people here, the regulars are great and supportive. But I have no desire to go anywhere else. Sorry you had that experience with the weirdo girl.
This is my only internet home too. I'm not of the myspace/facebook generation, so I haven't had the joy of internet wierdos. Except, of course, Shelley...We did have an ax murdering, perverted heck of a weekend with Judy once. Oh, and her DH thinks we're lesbians. But other then that, wierdos come to mind...
I was on the Babycenter boards while I was pregnant. I ended up miscarrying at 12 weeks and got on the miscarriage boards. Anyway, there was this one thread that 8 of us consistently wrote in. We decided we didn't want to post anything really personal on a thread so we started a Yahoo group. We have become an EXTREMELY close group and have gone through MANY ups and downs together. Anyway, we have really formed an amazing bond. We talk on the phone, email, and I am going to visit one of them in July in NYC. We all talk about how glad/amazed we are that none of us were "crazies." Makes us think we were "meant" to meet. These girls have been an amazing source of support for me. I love them. I will say that when I was on the Babycenter boards, I did see A LOT of crazies. I guess our little group just got lucky! :)

Also, the online dating thing. I met some really big nutters but also some nice guys that just weren't for me. Then, I met my DF. was worth meeting a few crazies!
I don't know, I think I've met more weirdo's in real life than I have on the internet. I've met a lot of really great people online, including my DH. I've frequent a few different places, here, VF, yayas and myspace. Myspace has more than it's fair share of freakiness, but I just have mine set so that only people who know my last name or email address can add me to friends. I do get some pretty random messages sometimes, but I just hit delete and all is good. :)
Hey...we met on this forum!!! I'm not *that* crazy, am I??? ;)

Can't WAIT for the Atlanta Catheite's get-together in July!!! YIPEEEEE!!! :D
Hehe Lorie, Yes you are THAT crazy. Haha J/K. ;) Yeah it will be so awesome to meet all the Atlanta Cathe gals. :)
There are definitely some weirdo's out there. Not on this board of course! ;) I tend to be paranoid with the info. I give out. Also, if I ever do decide to kids, I do not think I would ever join a baby forum. I've seen too many lifetime movies about crazy nuts who stalk pregnant women to steal their babies etc... And there's always that one true news story about the women who befriended a pregnant lady by acting like she was pregnant too and then ended up stealing the ladies baby and trying to pass it off as her own when she was never pregnant in the first place. Told you I was paranoid! :) You just never know WHO you are really talking to on some of these forums. And you never know who you aren't talking to, but are still reading all of your posts and taking notes <insert creepy music here>. ;)
The Cherry on the Cake of my Day is when I find out people are posting MY PHOTOS without my permission to call me a NUT JOB.

Some people have to make fun of others to make themselves feel good.

Then the gang joins on in to put in their "YA YAs"

The best thing to do is block her email and/or ignore her mail.

Don't respond at all.

I had a RUDE email the other day.

It hurt me so much that I cried my eyes out.

But I did not respond - I deleted the message.

Ignore them and they will go away.
lorie,i also befriended a group while pregnant, but on and there are about 8 of us who have since branched off to a private ezboard and we talk everyday. we've gone on vacations together, etc. we always thought we were the only ones who lucked out with such a great situation - i'm glad you found the same thing with your group!
Some of those creeps are MEN posing as WOMEN to get some type of twisted pleasure out of getting inside the female mind.

You never know who is behind the keyboard.

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