Intermediate Rotation - with substitutions


I really like the idea of the Intermediate workout Cathe posted for March '07.
But I don't own all those DVDs. So I did some substitutions using workouts I do own. Here are the results.

I'm hoping to start this rotation in early October. I have several out of town trips between now and then, so I want to wait until I can do the entire rotation without having those breaks/distractions.

My goal with this rotation is to burn fat and incorporate muscle training into my workouts to boost my metabolism and tone up.

Suggestions welcome. :)


Week 1
Day 1 Cardio & Weights
Day 2 Kick Max Premix Low Impact Kick Box
Ab Hits - Kickbox
Day 3 Timesaver #5 (Lower body)
Day 4 Low Impact Step
Day 5 Low Impact Circuit Premix # 4 Upper Body Sculpt x 2
Day 6 35 minute run/walk
Day 7 Rest/Stretch

Week 2
Day 1 Low Impact Circuit
Day 2 Rhythmic Step
Day 3 Total Body Sculpting x 2
Day 4 Step Blast - combo premix (41 minutes)
Core Max 3
Stretch Max 1
Day 5 Low Impact Circuit
Day 6 30 minute brisk walk
Stretch Max 3
Day 7 Rest

Week 3
Day 1 Low Impact Circuit Premix #5 Total Body Sculpt
Ab Hits - MIS
Day 2 Kick Max Premix Low Impact Kick Box
Day 3 Cardio and Weights
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 Step from Step Jump & Pump (Premix 1)
Total Body Sculpting x 2
Day 6 35 minute run/walk
Day 7 Core Max 2
Total Body Stretching 1

Week 4
Day 1 Kick Max Premix Low Impact Kick Box
Ab Hits - Kickbox
Day 2 Power Hour
Day 3 Rhythmic Step
Day 4 Low Impact Circuit
Day 5 Warm up and 1st section Step Heat
Step Max Section 1
Step portion of Step Jump & Pump
Step Jump & Pump stretch
Day 6 Cardio & Weights
Day 7 Rest
Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

if you happen to have access to fittv you can record some of these. they are not the entire workout, but at least 45m of each one.
Thanks. I have FitTV and my Tivo is set to record them all. Some of my above rotation incorporates the FitTV versions I have. I prefer the full DVD versions, though.


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