Interesting article on what the thinnest people eat


I found this article thru Compuserve. I tried to copy the link here but you have to be a Compuserve member to veiw it, so I am pasting the article....very intersting, but eveyone seems to have study these days...:)...Carole

Thinnest People Eat a Lot of This Food

A four-nation study of more than 4,000 men and women ages 40 to 59 has produced a stunning conclusion in our Atkins diet-fueled society: The thinnest people on Earth eat the most carbohydrates. Even more alarming, the people who eat the most protein are actually the heaviest.

"Without exception, a high-complex-carbohydrate, high-vegetable-protein diet is associated with low body mass," study leader Linda Van Horn of Northwestern University said in a news conference reported by Reuters. "High-protein diets were associated with higher body weight."

Before you reach for the nearest doughnut, realize that the carbs that do a body good aren't from french fries and white bread that contain lots of sugar. They are complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

In the Northwestern study, more than 4,000 people from the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and China wrote in a food diary everything they had eaten during two 24-hour periods. "Lo and behold, what we did find is that without exception, a high complex-carbohydrate, high-fiber, high vegetable-protein diet was associated with low body mass index Van Horn explained. A low body mass index or BMI is a standard measure of healthy weight.

But also notable is this finding: The more animal protein that was consumed, the higher the person's weight. And the greater risk to his or her health. "I think any diet that recommends increasing the amount of saturated fat poses a risk," said Randal J. Thomas of the Mayo Clinic. "There may be good things about the diet...but any diet that recommends increases in saturated fat could be increasing the risk in the population."
yay! i cannot keep out of the carbs either. i think everyone's body is different though. i am somewhat carb sensitive, but i eat them anyways.
That's an interesting article. I've tried lo card and it's not for me. I can't seem to do anything becase I get so sluggish. I like, and need, carbs.
I believe this. I always ate high carb, high fiber diet. I feel much better this way. When I try doing the low carb high protein I felt horrible but this is me. Everyone is different.
Great article!! JMO...I really think it's common sense, and I've always believed this was the right way to eat.
Hi Carole, thanks for the article. It proves what I've always felt to be true, based on my experience. My body had the lowest body fat percentage when I got my carbs mostly from oatmeal, whole wheat bread, fruits, salads with minimal dressing and vegetables. Now that I'm so busy, my eating has suffered and even though I'm still working out 4-6 days a week, I have a spare tire. I guess it's time to tweak the diet AGAIN, which is so hard to do when one is on the run.:)

Great article with all the protein / lo-carb discussion going on! I do believe it's the quality of the carbs that make a difference, like it says; it's not about french fries etc. but whole wheats, legumes, vegetables, fruits. All the stuff I love...!!! I'm so happy to get some reinforcement for what kind of diet feels good to me!

Thanks for posting it!

Don't get me wrong though...I do love protein (lean meats) but in moderation of course! I admire vegetarians but I just can't do it myself. :)
Thanks so much for sharing this Carole! It makes perfect sense to us but I guess the pendulum must fully swing before the masses 'get it'. When the earlier craze of low fat emerged in the late '80's, I embraced it by cutting out fat, and not loading up on the 'low fat, low fibre high carb' products that flooded the market and eventually kicked the consumer in their big behinds. When the 'Atkins' type low carb craze began I shook my head at the masses never ending desire for the quick fix while risking their health with increased saturated fats. For instance, a family member became very heavy in her 30's and seemed to live on a steady diet of pre frozen breaded or battered meats, white breads and heavily creamed coffee all the while moaning about her expanding waist and living a sedentary life. A year ago she started to go to a 'Curves' type facility and 'stopped eating carbs'. When she visits we eat our regular meals of high fibre carbs, fruits, veggies and high quality proteins like beans, tofu and cold water fish. She eats everything but the bread saying 'I don't eat carbs', I tried to explain to her that fruits and veggies and beans all had carbs but they were complex and more work for the body to digest. She would not, and still refuses to hear it and I am not one to argue with someone who will not listen. She swears her weight loss is due to elimination of carbs. I think I'll forward this on to her :7

Take Care
Thanks Carole;

I totally agree--it's what works best and feels best for me. I made the mistake for years, however, of not getting enough "good" fats into my diet. I was totally fat phobic and really paid for it eventually. But now I try to get enough olive oil, flaxseed, and the like. I feel better than ever. I think people get really mixed up about simple and complex carbs. And, of course, people need to do what works and feels best for them.

Good Post,

Carol F
Yess!! I knew it.:7 Thanks for posting that!! Carol - if you don't mind my asking, can you tell me how you were affected by avoiding fats? I am a real fat-phobe myself....don't want to mess myself up any more than I already have.;(
Hi Pinky!

How are you doing?...I don't see you here much....:(...I have to say as a former Zone person it just didn't work for me anymore. I was exercising like crazy but couldn't stay on the Zone without getting hungry! So I have been vegetarian for 9 weeks along with my DH and lost the weight I had gained and him too. Try the tweaking and I bet it'll work for you...I just loved this article when I saw it, so I guess the next diet fad will be high complex carbs... :D.....Carole
I'm glad you all felt the same way about this article as I did...:)...I am thinking in the future we might be hearing more about this....thanks for all of your responses...:)...Carole
As a person who was always pretty thin. 5'4 around 100 pounds when younger. I never let myself get below 110. If I do I just eat more calories. I then cut back on cardio and raise my weights as much as possible. I am not sure I agree with this. I still think it is a lot genetics. I ate what ever I wanted for so many years. I always had those jokes about running around in the shower to get wet etc. . I rarely gained weight. Now going through menopause when I get into cravings I will gain weight. I think most of it is paying attention to what your body is doing and changing things up ie. workouts & or diet. If I am extremely tired I have to lower calories add some carbs and get more rest. Then I can come back with some high intensity stuff and and heavier weight workouts. Diet is important for health. We just need to pay attention to it and not get obsessed with a particular eating plan that makes us feel ill.
Diane Sue
RE: Hi Pinky!

Hey Carole! I do miss being here, but I don't think I can be here everyday anymore.:( Just busy trying to make a living. Being on the Zone has been impossible lately. I do remember one of your posts where you said you were on another eating plan since there were some things about the Zone that didn't sit right with you anymore. Well, I'm glad you found something that works BETTER.:) Take care, Carole. I hope that heel doesn't bother you anymore.

Thats a good article.I am a beleiver that carbs don't make you fat (good carbs anyway) b/c I was at my lightest when I ate alot of fruits,yogurt,oatmeal and high fiber bread.I rarel ate eggs or red meat. Sometimes you can just tell that a low carb plan isn't good by the way you feel.I know I couldn't live the rest of my life feeling like that.Others may feel great by doing the low carb thing but not this chick.
Thanks again,
I have eaten the same 60 to 65% percent carbohydrates for as long as I can remember. I never suceeded in boosting protein when I thought I needed to but I have learned to eat it with my carbs at each meal. The changes have been to eat more and more complex carbs, to go mostly organic and vegetarian with a small amount of wild fish, chicken breast and a bit of red meat. (I buy humanely raised, organic, hormone and antibiotic free animal protein.)

I made pasta for dinner and was trying to decide between whole wheat with milled flax, quinoa or spelt and my husband accused me (yet again) of trying to kill them with the white stuff. Ha! I have tried to get them to eat more complex carbs, the ones he describes as disgusting, but always ended up scraping most of them off the plate into the garbage, which I consider a crime. Still, I know my family eats healthily overall and white pasta and tortillas (minus the trans fats) and white rice is fine in a balanced diet. I took my daughters to see Super Size Me when we were in Michigan and my middle child who's the stockiest of the three, is making better choices, refusing fast food and skipping the fries. Someday my kids may be health nuts too!

Hey, Pinky, I have a new theory regarding the spare tire. As a small-boned woman with a gargantuan rib cage, which should be offset by some boobage, I am convinced my breasts migrated to my belly. Can't explain the flat butt though! :)

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

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