Interested in getting taeboamped but....


Has anyone seen the infomercial? It looks super intense but i'm not trying to kill myself. I'm Intermediate. I read it and it sounds grueling.
I preordered taebo amped and expect it any day. All of his workouts can be modified to a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. Cardio circuit is one of his earlier tapes. MOst of his newer stuff has cardio and toning involved. I will let you know what I think when I get it. It shipped last week, so I expect it any day now.

I want to know about this one. I really love Tae Bo Get Ripped Advance but have found his others to be too easy. Let me know how you like it.
Are you sure you locked the bar in place?

I sold mine because I just didn't care for it. Good Luck!
I heard this also, so I did not bother to buy these. I love Billy but how many videos can you make using the same moves, i guess this is why he adds new gadget. I love his personality, but I don't think I need to injure myself. I am clumsy!!!:)
Billy seems like a nice guy,and seems to have helped a lot of people, but I just can't shake the feeling that he's just "making it up" as he goes along. I swear I have any early "band" workout, ultimate cardio, or something like that, and he ties his shoe during the workout. Come On! Can't they edit that kind of stuff? I watched the preview, and one of the songs is recycled from another one of his workouts. Won't be investing in this one, seems like same old, just a new gizmo.

I love me some good ole' Billy Blanks too! :) But after purchasing the whole Bootcamp Series, and being sooo disappointed with it--the bands are a pain, that sits on the shelf along with the other series he did, that "power within" or whatever it was. Not hard enough.
It is funny to see him during a workout, he does get a little scatter brained, and his daughter Shelley tries to hold it together for him!:)
His best workouts in my opinion are the advanced ripped series, and I like the ones that focus on either your abs/butt or lower body/upper body. I will not be purchasing the Amped series though, there are too many other really good, well thought out workouts to do.
I think Billy has a heart to help people loose weight and get in shape. I know as I have gotten into more advanced workouts like Cathe, Powerstrikes and a few others, I find that I favor the older Tae-bo workouts over his newer workouts. However, I do happen to like the Amped series. I don't go crazy amping up some of the moves you guys are mentioning that seem unsafe. I guess you have to use your own judgment to avoid injury. If something doesn't feel safe, modify. I know tons of people in his club love the Amped workouts and workout effectively without injuries. Some are loosing inches like crazy which motivates me to stick with it, but I don't look to those type workouts for my cardio or strength-training. Billy doesn't come across as a professional instructor, but more as someone willing to help those who are willing to step out and help themselves. So maybe now, he seems to be more geared toward the beginner/intermediate person. I still like his workouts and continue to invest in them, but I understand the opinion of those who feel he isn't advanced enough, or professional enough. You are right, in that we do pay good money for workouts. We should expect quality.
I have to jump on this wagon briefly. I, personally, just cannot get into Billy Blanks. He has a great personality, fabulous charisma, and form to die for, but I agree with a former poster... he just seems to be making it up as he goes along.

I ordered the whole Boot Camp series with the bands last year, and I, too, was extremely disappointed. I only did each tape once before selling it on Ebay. I get really annoyed with his habit of stopping in the middle of an exercise to give you some inspirational speech... which leads to you doing 60 reps of the exercise on that side, when you only did maybe 24 on the other side. And he does it ALOT!!! I just don't feel comfortable with that level of "unevenness" in all of his workouts.
Hi i ordered them same moves but with the bar i had to get it, but i sent them back, if you have a bad lower back or neck dont use them, they killed my spine, I must say shelly looks great with a little meat on her, if you want something fun, order turbo jam or hip hop abs there fun and great workouts, at


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