I think Billy has a heart to help people loose weight and get in shape. I know as I have gotten into more advanced workouts like Cathe, Powerstrikes and a few others, I find that I favor the older Tae-bo workouts over his newer workouts. However, I do happen to like the Amped series. I don't go crazy amping up some of the moves you guys are mentioning that seem unsafe. I guess you have to use your own judgment to avoid injury. If something doesn't feel safe, modify. I know tons of people in his club love the Amped workouts and workout effectively without injuries. Some are loosing inches like crazy which motivates me to stick with it, but I don't look to those type workouts for my cardio or strength-training. Billy doesn't come across as a professional instructor, but more as someone willing to help those who are willing to step out and help themselves. So maybe now, he seems to be more geared toward the beginner/intermediate person. I still like his workouts and continue to invest in them, but I understand the opinion of those who feel he isn't advanced enough, or professional enough. You are right, in that we do pay good money for workouts. We should expect quality.