Intensity Series - Rotation?


I posted this on Ask Cathe... but it's a rotation issue though so thought I'd put it here as well...

With the reappearance of Cathe's pregnancy story and the ideas formed for the Intensity Series, I think a lot of people are itching to do it again! (at least I know I am...)

Anyway, I can't seem to find a rotation for it in the lists of rotations and I'm slightly confused as to how it is to be used since the only "true" cardio is Imax 2. Is it okay to be doing strength/circuit training that many times per week? Also, I recently got the Terminator and would like to incorporate it as well.

Any help that anyone could provide in regards to this series would be greatly appreciated!

i can't find an exact rotation but i had these saved. not sure who made them up but thought you could use them. i guess just sub terminator workouts in with other endurance or circuit workouts.

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training

Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance

Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Friday: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance

Thanks!! So, for example, with the first rotation, do you think it's ok to do PUB on Sunday and then do Boot Camp on Monday? Just want to make sure I'm not overtraining...
not sure but there are days i do circuit or boot camp work after a heavy weight day but i keep my weights fairly light talking 5 and 8lbs light.

I've done circuit style workouts after a heavy day. It's not hard as long as you keep the weights low. I use 5lb dumbbells.

The intensity rotation looks great! I'm going to try this for a few weeks.
The rotation was posted by Cathe.

"The Intensity Series As A Whole"
Posted by Cathe Friedrich on Nov-21-02 at 02:20 PM
We think you are really going to love the new Intensity Series. It can be used as a "shock your system" rotation in its entirety or you may insert any of the workouts to accommodate your current fitness rotations/workouts. There are no rules to these workouts, simply use them as another way to shake up your workouts. As all of us already know, the body needs recovery time as well as light and hard day workouts. With that in mind, this series expresses different levels of intensity.
Also, we should always listen to our bodies on a daily basis so feel free to alter the workouts as you see fit by modifying to lighter weights on days your body needs it or even increasing your weights on days your body is feeling strong.
So as you see, there are endless ways to keep your fitness workouts refreshing and inspiring.....ENJOY!!!!
PS....For starters, I will share a couple of ways to enjoy the Intensity series. How long you stay on any of these rotations is totally based on how your body is responding. If it feels good continue, if you feel pretty tired and sore, modify the intensity within each workout to fit your needs, if you feel flat out exhausted and ultra sore, alternate it with some less intense workouts.
the Aug 05 rotation is my fav for calorie burn. it has workouts from the intensity series. i am doing that now.running 5 miles on the treadmill is not possible for me at this time

I'm doing the ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout and wanted to say... it rocks!
I'm totally in love with this rotation:D I really don't know how body fat could survive with this rotation.;) I decided to stick with this for a few weeks.:D:D
i cannot find the advanced total body rotation. is it cathe's? what month?


It is Cathe's but it was from 2002 and the forum doesn't go back that far.

Here is a copy of post:

"The Intensity Series As A Whole"
Posted by Cathe Friedrich on Nov-21-02 at 02:20 PM
We think you are really going to love the new Intensity Series. It can be used as a "shock your system" rotation in its entirety or you may insert any of the workouts to accommodate your current fitness rotations/workouts. There are no rules to these workouts, simply use them as another way to shake up your workouts. As all of us already know, the body needs recovery time as well as light and hard day workouts. With that in mind, this series expresses different levels of intensity.
Also, we should always listen to our bodies on a daily basis so feel free to alter the workouts as you see fit by modifying to lighter weights on days your body needs it or even increasing your weights on days your body is feeling strong.
So as you see, there are endless ways to keep your fitness workouts refreshing and inspiring.....ENJOY!!!!
PS....For starters, I will share a couple of ways to enjoy the Intensity series. How long you stay on any of these rotations is totally based on how your body is responding. If it feels good continue, if you feel pretty tired and sore, modify the intensity within each workout to fit your needs, if you feel flat out exhausted and ultra sore, alternate it with some less intense workouts.

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:
Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

ADVANCED Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Heavy Weight Training
Mon: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Pyramid Upper Body
Wed: Imax 2
Thurs: off
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of IMAX 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

Advanced Total Body Conditioning with more focus on Muscular Endurance
Mon: Imax 2
Tues: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: off
Friday: Circuit Max
Sat: A lower intensity cardio of your choice
Sun: Muscle Endurance

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