Hi Cathe,
How exciting that you're coming into the home stretch!! I must admit, I was more terrified than excited when it was my turn. I truthfully found that labor was not as horrible as everyone said it would be, I hope that will be the caes with you too. Anyway, I am not pregnant right now, but my husband and I are thinking of trying for number 2 next year. My question is this, (and I apologize because you've probably answered this one a million times.) How hard can I work out during pregnancy? The information out there is so conflicting and confusing. With my first pregnancy I still worked out 5 to 6 time a week and just did not do any of my really advanced tapes- I did none of your tapes with my first. Can I still do your tapes and just not go all out? Is weight training okay during pregnancy? If so, how heavy can I go and is anything a definate no, no? Thank you so much. Have a wonderful holiday and we already know your New Year will be blessed.
How exciting that you're coming into the home stretch!! I must admit, I was more terrified than excited when it was my turn. I truthfully found that labor was not as horrible as everyone said it would be, I hope that will be the caes with you too. Anyway, I am not pregnant right now, but my husband and I are thinking of trying for number 2 next year. My question is this, (and I apologize because you've probably answered this one a million times.) How hard can I work out during pregnancy? The information out there is so conflicting and confusing. With my first pregnancy I still worked out 5 to 6 time a week and just did not do any of my really advanced tapes- I did none of your tapes with my first. Can I still do your tapes and just not go all out? Is weight training okay during pregnancy? If so, how heavy can I go and is anything a definate no, no? Thank you so much. Have a wonderful holiday and we already know your New Year will be blessed.