Intensity and Weights during pregnancy



Hi Cathe,
How exciting that you're coming into the home stretch!! I must admit, I was more terrified than excited when it was my turn. I truthfully found that labor was not as horrible as everyone said it would be, I hope that will be the caes with you too. Anyway, I am not pregnant right now, but my husband and I are thinking of trying for number 2 next year. My question is this, (and I apologize because you've probably answered this one a million times.) How hard can I work out during pregnancy? The information out there is so conflicting and confusing. With my first pregnancy I still worked out 5 to 6 time a week and just did not do any of my really advanced tapes- I did none of your tapes with my first. Can I still do your tapes and just not go all out? Is weight training okay during pregnancy? If so, how heavy can I go and is anything a definate no, no? Thank you so much. Have a wonderful holiday and we already know your New Year will be blessed.
Re: Intensity and Weights During Pregnancy..........

Hi Vickie,

I'm not Cathe, but I'm going to try to answer your questions..... You are very right about all the conflicting information out there regarding pregnancy and exercise. First, I would suggest that you read "Exercising Through Your Pregnancy" by Dr. James Clapp. It will put to rest alot of the myths that still prevail regarding prenatal fitness. This book is written by the person who has contributed the most to the field of prenatal fitness by providing us with valid, well-controlled research studies regarding all aspects of exercising during the perinatal period.

All of your questions have been answered in recent posts. Please read the post "Heavy lifting, heartrates and diet (posted 10/4/99 by me) under "7 weeks and miserable" (last posted on 12/2/99). Also, please read Cathe's post of 11/2/99 under "Any tapes that aren't good?" This one is an excellent review of the tapes that she recommends doing during pregnancy.

Hope this helps.


Dear Sheila,

Thank you so much for all of the info. I plan to purchase the book you suggested right after the holidays.
To Vickie( and thanks, Sheila)!

Hi Vicky! I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I was going to answer your question before I left on my weekend trip but I got side tracked. I jotted a note to myself to answer this for you when I got home and I see that Sheila has already helped out. Her advice is exactly what I was going to recommend(thanks so much Sheila). That book is great! In addition to the thread titles that Sheila mentioned reading, you may find that browsing through the other pregnancy forum questions in general will be a helpful source of information. Many people are not aware of how to access questions from the past. Simply click on one of the numbers listed at the top of the main page(the numbers listed before the word "archive")and you will see about 15 questions that were asked in the past. Every time you click on a new number, you will see another set of about 15 questions). Happy Reading!
RE: Re: Intensity and Weights During Pregnancy..........

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-01 AT 11:27PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Shelia,

Can you clarify which number I can find the "Any tapes that aren't good". I did not find it under 11/2/99.


I just found it under 11/22

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