New Member
Hi there! I have a hard time sticking to a strict diet with 3 small children in the house (before this I was very strict). I have great dicipline in exercise. I do an hour of cardio 4-5 days a week at an intense level ( I can speek words but cannot really hold a conversation). I also do an hour of weights 12-15 reps and even with that I bulk up a bit, I have a muscular build. I think it's probably my bad eating habits though. I work out from 10am-12pm. When I get home I am starving. What doesn't make sense to me is when I eat a healthy lunch after I work out (plain tuna on whole wheat bread with an apple, or chicken on a bed of greans with low fat dressing and mabey a piece of whole wheat bread) I feel ZAPPED! When I eat what ever sounds good (pizza, or pbj) I don't feel like I need a nap. I don't know if I am eating enough after I work our or if I am eating too much. Also, I have oatmeal for breakfast, mabey. Mabey I am working out too hard but I love it while I am in the moment. I have about 15lbs to loose but every time I try to eat strict my energy goes down or I am hungery too often. Have you ever heard this before? It sounds like my blood sugar is out of wack but I am not sure. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you. And by the way I think you're great!!-Meg