Intense Cathe Moments-Need Help



I have to do a documentary project to graduate from school and I thought I'd do one on fitness. I've noticed that there is a dismissive attitude toward workout videos when I've tried try to share my videos with other people. I want to do a short piece that highlights some of the most visually intense or verbally inspiring video clips. So, please tell me some of your most Intense video workout moments. Also, Cathe comments that inspire you to fling dumbbells, but work your butt off will be appreciated.


RE: I-Max Junkie Shares Her Story . . .

Hi, Helen!

I am a confirmed Cathe fan, and a diagnosed "Interval Max" junkie, as I've said on this site numerous times.

I discovered Cathe Friedrich last fall, after a summer in which I started to cut back on the number of aqua classes I instructed at my local club and at the same time began to fold in more land and strength training work. I was doing a lot of outdoor power walking during the summer, and knew I needed an indoor, at-home workout to replace that. So-o-o, I went onto the Collage Video website, and found Cathe Friedrich's Interval Max and other offerings; I selected I-Max because it was described as high-intensity AND basic choreography.

Helen, as fit as I thought I was, that workout almost murdered me the first time I did it! I had to "modify" some of the more intense plyometric intervals - and that to me was an admission of defeat, or at least weenieness! BUT - I noticed positive changes, as well as enormous energy, immediately! I got so mad at myself for having to modify that I committed myself to getting strong enough to do the whole thing as Cathe intended.

That took about two and a half weeks of doing it two times per week. The first time I did all of the intervals with no modifications, I walked around afterward like I'd just tinkled myself - wobbly, wobbly, wobbly. HOWEVER, about half an hour after I finished I was higher than a kite with energy. That's when the addiction kicked in, and I still do it two times per week, with a real sense of accomplishment each and every time.

Those who diss video workouts speak from ignorance plain and simple. I first got really fit working out to videos back in the early-mid '90's, and I think video fitness is one of the best things the TV and video machine can be used for. They're economical, convenient, endlessly varied, reliable (you don't have to worry about whether the instructor no-shows or is having a bad day) and tailorable to one's goals and personality. And I believe Cathe Friedrich is at the head of the pack, because she not only gives seasoned exercisers a place to go, but she also assists you via this website to get the most out of them.

Good luck on your thesis! Sorry this was so long!

RE: BMax Power Circut Segment!!

This is a great high intensity part!! Even the very first power circut, where you go from step to power siccors to squats. As for quotes I love it when she says" We're not trying to hurt you just push you a little harder" in PS SLA in the floor work. Ok, those are my picks!! Good Luck!!!!

I would have to say my most intense video moment was when I finished Bodymax from start to finish for the first time. I swear I felt like I could keep up with the folks in Marine Corps boot camp after that! I was 50 years old when I did that, so I was especially proud.

The people who put down workout videos have NO CLUE! I love my tapes, and the fact that I can work out as hard as I want(mostly thanks to the Cathe tapes) ANY TIME AT HOME!!!!!!! Fabulous!

Makes me happy, happy, happy:7
Dear Helen (by the way, I love that name, it was my mom's too.)
"Verbally inspiring" is when Cathe says "Come on, this is your workout. Make a difference." And yes, it is and yes, she's right. Being fit can make a difference.
Workout videos (especially of the Cathe ilk) allow me to increase my endurance and strength. And in turn, I have been able to accomplish some dramatic feats...climbing the Grand Teton via the Exum Direct route...hiking 25 miles through wilderness and up an 11,000 foot pass in the hail, snow, sleet...staying up all night and working the next day while my mom was terminally ill for 6 weeks...the list goes on and on. The question is "What do you want from your fitness?" Look good? Adventure? Both? Live life to its fit.
One of my favorite things that Cathe says is something like "Fire in the thighs" when she is doing plyometric squats in MIC. No kidding! They are killer.

Exercise videos have changed my entire life. Videos were the one thing that I could do consistently enough to get real results. Once I stuck with exercise, so many other things in my life started to fall into place. I went to college and majored in exercise science. Exercise is the glue that holds my life together and the only exercise I do is on video. I am often saddened by the fact that people do not respect videos more because they are one of the best options for getting into shape. It is their loss however. Good luck with your projuect!

Take care, Cyndie
i STARTED WITH EXERCISE VIDEOS WHEN THE FIRST jANE fONDA wORKOUT CAME OUT IN --1979? I now have a library of 110 tapes--with cathe as number one, Firms number two, on and on....

I say, if you can do Body max straight through YOU ARE FIT, BABE. I did it straight through on a 6" step--then 2 weeks later on an 8" step. At 49, I felt more powerful than i ever have in my life.

Fitness has saved my life and i could not have done it without videos. I own all of the equipment; nordic track, treadmill, bike, free weights, mats--you name it. But, I know a video is a finite amount of time; I can match it to how I feel on a particular day--hope this helps explain the success of videos.
Hi Helen,

For people who cannot get to a gym for a wide variety of reasons, videos are the only choice to have an expert planning your workouts & cheering you on & correcting your form.

Now that I have Cathe, I wouldn't go to a gym if I could. I love working out at home, I don't have to get dressed & drive there & shower there & drive home...I could work out at home by myself without videos, but I would be missing out on so much. Mostly, I would not push myself as hard even if I think I would. And, as I mentioned before, where would I have learned proper form?

I would be lost without my videos, especially Cathe's. I doubt if I would stick to a workout without them. And that would be a real shame.

Good luck with your project...
Hi Helen,

What an interesting project. You will have lots of perfect material from Cathe. I live an hour away from the closest city, so going to the gym is out of the question. I am so lucky to have found Cathe.

I just finished Cardio Kicks today, and the sequencial power kicks get me every time. When I get past those, I know I'll make it. Of course IMax is a killer. All those power 15's and power 7's in the CTX tapes would be good material. I can't believe how many she put in those. I love them though! The first time I did Leaner Legs, I told my son that Cathe was trying to kill me. I still feel that way!

I'd like to see people who dismiss videos do the last interval of IMax and jump like Cathe.

Good Luck!
Maybe one of the reasons people "poo poo" exercise videos is that they mostly see the beginner videos in the stores, and maybe some of them have odd or funny names.
I know I wouldn't be working out if it weren't for videos. When I moved to a small town from Madison, Wisconsin, I stopped walking (not too scenic around here). It was two years later (1992), that I discovered exercise videos (after discovering that I'd gained 10 pounds in that time!). Not only are they convenient(they fit your schedule instead of you having to fit your schedule around them) but you get to work with world class instructors like Cathe (unless you're lucky or live in a larger city, I think many instructors are mediocre compared to the quality you can get with Cathe and other good video instructors---no offense intended to any aerobics instructors out there, but I haven't been impressed with the few classes I've taken--partly because the instructor has to appeal to the lowest common denominator--an uncoordinated, underexercised person who needs simple--boring"--choreography).
I would like to add one more response to the great responses you have already had.

I started exercising to video tapes about ten years ago, progressing from the beginner/intermediate stuff to the advanced. Before I "met" Cathe in her tapes I used mostly all the Firms for strength and loads of other tapes for step benching. So, here I was, exercising by myself for years. I did not have anyone to compare myself to (except the people in the tapes) and did not much think about it.

Anyway, three years ago we went on vacation to a resort that had a health club facility. I attended step bench classes that always ended with floor work.

At 49 I was the oldest one in the class. I was also the only one stepping on the 8 inch level and had no problem completing everything.

Then came the floorwork. I was the only one doing push ups from my toes. The rest of the crowd did them from their knees. As we were completing the push ups the woman near me were cheering me and saying "you go, girl."

I was absolutely the fittest person in the class.

So, I suppose one could say that exercise videos really work.

Also, since starting the Pure Strength series about a month ago I can feel a difference. I am even stronger now than I was then.

You can have your health clubs, with the dues, the travel time and the hassle.

Give me an hour with Cathe.


I'm really glad I asked this question, because I am getting some awesome replys! I've polled VF, Cathe, and the Firm site (haven't had a chance to get there yet) and the responses are so inspiring! Many exercisers have responded who are in their 50's or around there and the tapes tapes that they whip through are some real toughies. And all I can say to you AmySue is WOW! That's some real stamina there!

I think if Cathe was on the video shelf at your local KMart, there would be more respect for videos--and more sore bodies!

Your responses are a great help to me and I really appreciate your comments. Part of the project is to do a 5-10 minute presentation and the end--and I think I may print and read off a a few of your comments--as long as no one minds, of course.

Hope I'm not too late here! I think your project sounds great and I wish you luck with it.

I love Cathe to death, and even my husband the gym rat respects her workouts. My favorite Cathe moment is in Interval Max. At one point (maybe around the seventh interval), she and the cast are stepping to a song that has a calypso beat. She comments, "Oh, I love this song. It makes me feel like I'm on a tropical island." When she says this I always think, "To heck with the music! *I* feel like I'm on a tropical island because I'm sweating like I'm on one!"


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