instructor who wants guidance


Hi Cathe,

How are you.

I am a aerobic instructor in new york Afaa and johnny g certifed and love to watch the fit channel to get new ideas for classes.

I love your show but i have some questions which might be personal so if you like u can e-mail me instead of posting a answer.

Here goes well first off i have been teaching for about a year and i teach like 8-10 classes a week and work a full time job i do all my cardio classes but just teach the strenght as i do my own routine 3-4 times a week. This is my problem i cannot seemed to lose weight i feel as if i have actually gain weight and i had my thyroid check it it is ok. What would you suggest?

Besides that how did u get a show? Did u need a degree in sports medicine?

I mean i am no where near every getting a show for myself but i would like to be a participant in one i notice that sharon mann has a big girl who is all muscle (you can tell) on and i think that is great cause it shows that instructors come in all shape and sizes and that no matter what size you are you can try. But i notice all your girls have really good shapes so if you need someone a little bigger i am here hehehehehe.

Where are you located any way? Also id your workout routine just the shows would you share with me what you eat and your routine to see if it will work for me.

I think you have a great body and only wish to get near as good of a shape that you have and i have heard you say u had a baby WOW! and i know all frames are different but i am willing to try what ever you do for myself.

I know i have asked alot of questions and hope you do find time in your schedule to talk with me

Thanks so much for your time



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