instructor certification question


I have a question for anybody who can answer. I am looking into becoming certified to teach aerobics. Does anybody know a good place to start? I have checked out some websites, but I want to ask you all before I get into anything. I just want a basic certificate that would not take much time or money.....

Sara B
I just completed the GroupX Instructor Training at 24Hour Fitness literally an hour ago. It was exhausting, but now I have the necessary credential to teach at any of their locations. They are desperate for new instructors and are continually conducting this training at their larger gyms. It's obviously not as recognized as ACE or AFAA, but it was quick (4 days of 6 hours/day) and cheap (less than $200) and you do not have to be a member of the gym. If you have a 24Hour Fitness gym near you you may want to check this out. Here's the link to their online info:

I've always gone thru AFAA -- very easy certification -- practical and written. Whatever reputable route you choose, get an idea of what the exam is like from an instructor you know and like.

And, follow up with that instructor -- see if he/she will critique your 5-minute demo, and once you're certified, the hard part is actually teaching the class. That just takes practice, practice, practice. So, ask your "mentor" if he/she minds you teaching the warmup/cooldown, then maybe half his/her class, etc.

Anyone who's "been there" should know how intimidating it can be to start (anything for that matter!) -- they should be willing to help. Then, pay it forward when you can!
P.S. For my classes, I've always kept laminated class "logs". Then, break your class into an outline format.

Example for cardio/wts class

A. Warm up 5 minutes (name of song)
B. Lower body strength training 5 minutes (name of song)
C. 4-limb movement 4 minutes (name of song)
D. Low/hi impact 5 minutes (name of song)
E. Alternating upper/lower body training 6 minutes (name of song)

etc. etc. etc.

No one will care if you keep a log with'll be more confident especially in the time passes, you'll be able to create as you go while feeling out the class.

Remember eye contact and be yourself!

I actually teach a kickboxing class at my church basement with some of my friends. The teaching part is pretty easy for me. My mom taught aerobics when I was younger and I went to every class with her. Plus, I have taught some dance classes too. I do keep a little piece of paper with me so I don't forget my routine. I keep it folded up in my hand. That seems to work well.

But, there is a guy I know who wants to open a gym here and wants me to teach my class at his place. I told him I am not certified and he said he would pay for me to get a certified. I don't have a lot of time to devote to studying and all that may go along with it. Therefore, I am looking for a basic, inexpensive way to become certified.

Thanks for the info!

Check out AFAA and ACE'e web sites, they offer training all over the country. Also, the YMCA offers their own 'in house' training.

My advice would be to approach the Aerobics Coordinator at your club and let her know you're interested in teaching. Depending on the need for instructors they may offer to train you there or set you up with a mentor. Do you know any instructors that would be willing to mentor you?

Members/participants are very fitness savvy these days, they are educated, experienced and demanding at times. You may want to become an instructor and not spend a ton of time or money but I think you might be setting yourself up for failure. It's not as easy as it looks and there are many safety issues that need to be learned before teaching to the general population. One of the most difficult thing to learn is modifications. Modifications for every level of participant that's in your class, modifications for someone with a bad back, bursitis in their shoulder, bad knees etc. Also, intensity'll have some that want to work harder/easier than others and you'll have to have options for everyone.

I don't mean to discourage you, not at all. We need instructors all the time but we need educated instructors who have spent the time and unfortunately some $$ to learn the trade. I'm an instructor, PFT and have run an aerobics program for 2 years and I'm still learning, it never ends...

Best of luck,
Thanks for the info.

I actually do have a lot of education on physical fitness. I have studied biology, a&p, kinesiology, and just about every basic science class(chemistry, biology, microbiology, etc.) My first year in college, I studied physical therapy. I have studied a lot on the body, movement, treatments, etc. I would just need a quick study program to refresh my was about 8 years ago when I studies most of this.

I don't want to just walk in someplace and get a quick, cheap certificate. I am well over qualified and experienced to be an instructor. At the current time, I am finishing my degree in elem edu so I don't really have time to focus on a long study course. It is hard to explain what I mean!

Sara B
That's awesome Sara, with your background a weekend cert. would be perfect. AFAA's cert. has a practical exam and a written exam. You can order the study materials anytime and then go and take the test when they come to your area. The website will have a list of dates and places. The cost is around $250.

ACE is strictly a written test, it's harder than the AFAA test but with your background you will have an easier time. I haven't price checked this one recently but it's usally about the same as AFAA.

The absolute quickest way to get certified in Group Fitness is probably Fitour. They have online courses for $100 but not all clubs will accept it as a primary cert. To be safe, call the club you're interested in teaching at and ask what certs they accept.

Busy gal!! Best wishes on all your endeavors!


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